James Madison Papers

Notes from Congress’ Secret Journal on Instructions to John Adams, 12 July 1781

Notes from Congress’ Secret Journal
on Instructions to John Adams

MS (LC: Madison Papers). See Notes from Secret Journal, 28 May 1781, headnote.

July 12[, 1781]

Madison & Mathews moved to revoke Comissn. & instrns. to Mr. Adams for Treaty of Commerce with G. B.1—on which Liverm: no—Partridge Osgood no—Varnum ay—Elsworth—Sherman no, Montgomery, Clymer, T. Smith ay—Rodney McKean ay—Jenifer no Carrol ay Potts ay—Jones ay. Madiso[n] ay—Bland ay—Sharpe Johnson ay—Matts—Bee—Motte Eveligh ay—Walt[on] Few, & Howley, ay2—so affirmative.3

2The full names of these delegates and the state from which each delegate came are given in Notes from Secret Journal, 6 June, n. 4, and 9–15 June 1781, nn. 4 and 6.

3This roll-call vote appears in JCC description begins Worthington Chauncey Ford et al., eds., Journals of the Continental Congress, 1774–1789 (34 vols.; Washington, 1904–37). description ends , XX, 747. Madison’s motion was adopted by a vote of seven states pro, two states con, New Hampshire and Rhode Island represented by only one delegate each, and New York and New Jersey unrepresented in Congress.

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