James Madison Papers

Credentials as a Delegate to Continental Congress, 21–22 June 1780

Credentials as a Delegate to Continental Congress

MS (NA: PCC, Credentials of Virginia Delegates, fol. 47).

In the House of Delegates.
the 21st: of June 1780

Resolved that Theodorick Bland jn: Esquire1 be appointed a Delegate to represent this Commonwealth in Congress until the first Monday in November next in the room of Cyrus Griffin Esqr: who hath resigned; Also that Joseph Jones, James Madison jn: Theodorick Bland jn: James Henry, and Meriwether Smith Esquires2 be appointed Delegates to represent this Commonwealth in Congress for one Year from the first Monday in November next; they having been so elected by joint Ballot of both Houses of Assembly.

Agreed to by the Senate Teste John Beckley C. h. d.
Will: Drew: C. S. A Copy John Beckley C. h. d.

1Bland presented these credentials upon taking his seat in Congress on 30 August 1780 (Journals of the Continental Congress, XVII, 792).

2Meriwether Smith (1730–1790) was in Congress from 1778 to 1782 and in the House of Delegates in 1776–1778, 1781, 1782, 1785, and 1788. He also attended the Virginia Convention of 1788 that ratified the Federal Constitution.

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