Virginia Delegates in Congress to George Washington, 12 April 1780
Virginia Delegates in Congress
to George Washington
RC (LC: Papers of George Washington). Docketed “Philada. 12th April 1780 from Cyrus Griffin & James Maddison Esqrs.”
April 12th[, 1780]1
We have the honor to enclose your excellency a letter from Governor Jefferson2 and am with the highest respect
your most obedient & very humble Servant
C Griffin3
James Madison Jun
1. This note of referral was almost certainly written in 1780, not only because it was so docketed but also because that year was the only one during Jefferson’s governorship of Virginia when Griffin and JM were together in Congress.
2. Possibly the letter of 19 March from Jefferson to Washington ( , III, 321).
3. Cyrus Griffin (1748–1810), a delegate of Virginia in Congress, 1778–1780; a member of Congress’ Court of Appeals in Cases of Capture, 1780–1787; president of Congress, 1788–1789; and judge of the United States District Court of Virginia, 1789–1810.