Certificate of Election of James Madison, Jr., and William Moore, 25 April 1776
Certificate of Election of James Madison, Jr.,
and William Moore
[25 April 1776]
Orange S S.1
I hereby Certify, that Jas. Madison Jr, And William Moore Esqrs., Are duly Elected Delegates, for the Sd. County, to Serve in General Convention, for one year then Next following,2 Given Under my hand, and Seal, this 25th Day of April, 1776,
Tho: Barbour
S: O: C3
1. Salutem Sciatis—that is, “Greeting. Let it be known.”
2. The Convention of July 1775 at Richmond provided that on the regular “court day” in April of each year the properly qualified freeholders of every county should choose “two of the most fit and able men” from among their own numbers to attend “General Conventions.” These normally were to assemble at Williamsburg on the first Monday in May (The Proceedings of the Convention of Delegates for the Counties and Corporations in the Colony of Virginia, Held at Richmond Town, in the County of Henrico, on Monday the 17th of July 1775 [Richmond, 1816], p. 47; , IX, 54–55). “Court day” in Orange County was “the fourth Thursday,” hence 25 April 1776.
3. Thomas Barbour, sheriff of Orange County.