From Thomas Jefferson to Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge, 5 July 1808
Washington July 5. 08.
My dear Ellen
Your letter was safely delivered to miss Forrest who was here yesterday well. I thank heaven that the 4th. of July is over. it is always a day of great fatigue to me, and of some embarrasments from improper intrusions and some from unintended exclusions. we have had such a week of hot weather as has never probably been known before in this country. my thermometer has been as follows
Monday | June | 27. | 93. | ||
28. | 95 | (95) | |||
29. | 96 | ||||
30. | 95 | ||||
July | 1. | 98½ | (98½) | ||
2. | 98 | (98) | |||
3. | 95½ |
yesterday I took no observation. to-day it is quite moderate. I hope this severe spell will be an acquittal for us, at least till I get home, for which I shall leave this place about the 22d. inst. you have been beforehand with us in rosten ears. we had cimlings yesterday. kiss your dear Mama for me and all the young ones, and assure your papa of my constant affection. be assured yourself of my tender love.
Th: Jefferson
P.S. 2. men died here on the 1st. instant drinking cold water. we shall probably hear of many more in other places.
MHi: Coolidge Collection.