From Thomas Jefferson to United States Congress, 17 December 1807
Dec. 17. 1807.
To the Senate &
House of
of the United States
The communications now made, shewing the great & increasing dangers with which our vessels, our seamen and merchandize are threatened, on the high seas & elsewhere, from the belligerent powers of Europe, and it being of the greatest importance to keep in safety these essential resources, I deem it my duty to recommend the subject to the consideration of Congress, who will doubtless percieve all the advantage which may be expected from an inhibition of the departure of our vessels from the ports of the United States.
Their wisdom will also see the necessity of making every preparation for whatever events may grow out of the present crisis.
I ask a return of the letters of Messrs. Armstrong and Champagny which it would be improper to make public.
Th: Jefferson
DNA: RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.