Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from James Dinsmore, 11 December 1807

Monticello Dec 11th 1807


your favours of Nov. 25th & Dec. 8th were duly received, neither the Sheet iron or lead has yet arrived at Milton, but we look for them Daily. Mr Perrey has not yet uncovered any of the roof but says it will not suit him well to let it lay over untill Spring—when you order the Mahogany for the tables it will be neccessary for you to include enough to make the Sashes that are wanted for the house here, viz 2 double & one treble window which will take two planks 10 f 6 long 14 I wide & 1½ I thick or that quantity if the planks Cannot be got of those dimensions; they must not be less than 1½ I thick—. the two porticos & green house are plaisterd & sashes fitted in. we have finished the shutters of the Hall & parlour, & are now getting the front shutters for the dineing room ready. I purpose finishing the front shutters & hanging the sashes of the whole house the first work without you wish me to go on with some thing else in preferance—I am afraid we will make a tedious Busness of the ballusters if we have to depend on old Abram to get locust, I think it would be better to get Mr Perry to hew it—. I am Sir with respect your very Humble Servant

Jas. Dinsmore

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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