To Thomas Jefferson from Anne Cary Randolph, 9 November 1807
Edgehill November 9 1807
My Dear Grand Papa
The tuberoses & Amaryllises are taken up we shall have a plenty of them for the next year. the tulips & Hyacinths I had planted before I left Monticello they had increased so much as to fill the beds quite full. the Anemonies & Ranunculuses are also doing well. fourteen of Governor Lewes’s Pea ripened which I have saved. the Pinks Carnation’s Sweet Williams Yellow horned Poppy Ixia Jeffersonia everlasting Pea Laveterra Columbian Lilly Lobelia Lychnis double blossomed Poppy & Chysalis failed, indeed none of the seeds which you got from Mr McMahon came up. Ellen & myself have a fine parcel of little Orange trees for the green house against your return. Mrs Lewis has promised me some seed of the Cypress vine. Mama Aunt Virginia & all the children are well & send their love to you. Good night my Dear Grand Papa believe me to be your sincerely affectionate Grand daughter
I will be very much obliged to you if you will send me a [. . .].
MHi: Coolidge Collection.