To Thomas Jefferson from Joseph Dougherty, 17 September 1807
Washington Septr. 17th. —07
Dear Sir
I received your letter of the 6th. on the 10th. Inst. Containing a fifty Dollar note, for which I humbly thank you Sir. In being by you so kindly accepted to your service again, I return you my sincere thanks, as well for that, as numberless other favours confered upon me without merit
To compensate what may be in my power for these favours and also to make some small restitution for the many idle days I have spent in your service under high wages, I propose to do the whole of the work, that my helper and I have heretofore done, and which will be no more than exercise for me Sir. I am doubtful of the ewes having lambs by the 4 horn’d ram. he is jumping to day one that he has jump’d 5 weeks since. the lambs still sucks the ewes which he has jumped 4 and 6 weeks ago. if he is between the sheep and goat perhaps it may be with him the same as a mule. if this is the case the season of the ewes will be lost
Sir your Hble. Srvt.
Jos. Dougherty
MHi: Coolidge Collection.