To Thomas Jefferson from Ellen Wayles Randolph Coolidge, 17 February 1807
received 17 Feb. 1807
Dear Grand Papa
I suspect that it would be more reasonable to think that your owing me 3 letters proceeds from my having more time than industry although a very little part of this winter has been spent by me in Idleness still however I think that you must have a great deal more to do than I have. Mama has been unwell for several days but I hope she will soon recover all the children are in good health as for the Bantam she laid one egg in the cold weather and eat it up I am very much afraid she will do all the others so if she does she will be as worthless as the others but in spite of that I am very fond of them and think them very handsome the old ones are quite tame but the new much to the contrary. I have not finished the Grecian history but I shall very soon I have read in French the first volume of Plutarque de la Jeunesse which contains almost entirely Grecian Lives I do not intend to read the lives of the modern great Men yet. I have advanced but slowly in my arithmetic but the reason was that Mama wished me to be perfect in one rule before I went into another. your grass looks very well but I am afraid your Wallflower is Dead. So Mama Sister Ann and the children send their love to you. give mine to Mrs. S. H. Smith. Adieu my Dear Grandpapa believe me to be your most affectionate Grand Daughter.
E. W. Randolph.
MHi: Coolidge Collection.