Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Philip Turner, 28 November 1806

New York 28th Novr. 1806


After all due respect to your personal and public character, praying your healthy and happiness, I beg leave to mention to you that I have before congress my memorial for a special Act on its merits, if with propriety and fitness to your standing as Head of the nation, you can say, that you believe, the business of Doctr. Turners ought to be settled, it would add honour and give a most decided sanction to its validity, I am by the act of limitation wrongfully embarrassed, it never was made to barr a Just claim, my claims cannot be considered by congress, of the nature of those claims, they meant to barr, I am distressed by these difficulties, They may be as well settled now as ever, can I be favor’d by a word of consolation

The presidents most faithfull, and most obedient Humble Servt.

P. Turner

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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