From Thomas Jefferson to Mayer & Brantz, 22 November 1806
Washington Nov. 22. 06.
Messrs. Mayer & Brantz
It has not been in my power sooner to acknolege the reciept of your favor of the 15th. by which I percieve that the books you have been so kind as to import for me are arrived at Baltimore. I will request you to send them by the first vessel bound to this place or it’s vicinities Alexandria or George Town. in the bill of 181.90 D I percieve nothing but their actual cost. be so good as to lay on the advance for your own profit & trouble a part of the account it is equally my duty & desire to pay, and inform me of the amount which shall be duly remitted to you with my thanks for your attention to this matter. I salute you with respect & esteem.
Th: Jefferson
MHi: Coolidge Collection.