To Thomas Jefferson from William Jarvis, 22 July 1806
Lisbon 22 July 1806
Respected Sir
I was honored with yours of the 16 April; and was much gratified that one of the last pipes of Wine was of a quality which met your approbation. A compliance with your wishes will always give me much Satisfaction, but it will be no small addition to my pleasure; to think that it has in the smallest degree been in my power to be instrumental to your comfort. Agreeable Sir to your wishes I have as a case on you at thirty days sight in favour of Messrs. R.F. Hooe & Co. for the ballance; and inclose the Account Current.
I am highly pleased to learn that a sense of justice regarding us and of the advantage Great Britain derives from as good understanding with the United States, is likely to be introduced into the Councels of that Nation with the new Ministry. It was to have been expected from the Character of Several of the leading members. But I am still persuaded, Situated as that nation is, that a proper application of our means must have forced even their predecessors to have done us justice: yet if satisfaction can be obtained in an amicable way it certainly is much preferable. I am also much gratified that there is a prospect of acquiring the Floridas. I never could think that a few million ought to be any bar to the acquisition. the Commercial advantages have much weight with me, but my detestation of a bad neighbourhood much more. I do not pretend to doubt the honest views of any nation, but allow me Sir to repeat what I have several times before said, that I should not wish to see my Country in a situation to dread them, were they unfriendly. A State of Security & tranquility too is very desirable as affording an opportunity to carry your plans of internal improvement & a general Systematic education into operation. The latter as tending to consolidate our political institutions, appears to me a prime object of National importance, & cannot be too often enforced on the public mind. Something occurs almost every day the more Strongly to impress on my mind the necessity.
There are some reports of a Peace. If true or even there is a prospect, I am afraid it will have an unfavourable effect on our pending negotiations.
With perfect veneration I am Sir yr. mo: Obt. & devoted Servt.
William Jarvis
DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.