From Thomas Jefferson to James Oldham, 23 February 1806
Washington Feb. 23. 06
It is now become very material that the whole of my doors should be finished & got to Monticello as speedily as possible, as my painter will otherwise have left me. he is a most capibal hand, and should he not paint them, it may be years before I have another opportunity.
Capt. Andrews is gone to New York, he told me before he went away that he was desired to leave some money for you in my hands, & that as it was not yet collected, he would put the orders into the hands of my coachman (a very intelligent & trusty man) to collect. I have just enquired of Daugherty (the coachman) who tells me mr Andrews left one order for [19]8.80 D another for 30. D. both due the 5th. of March, & that he was to call on mrs Andrews for 25. or 30. D. cash, which he has not yet done. when the money is actually collected, I shall hold it subject to your order. Accept my best wishes
Th: Jefferson
MHi: Coolidge Collection.