Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Samuel Allyne Otis, 29 January 1806

29 Jan: β€”86


Mr Anderson mentions that return hath not been made on your nominations of the legis. council Inda. Tery.

You will be pleased to recollect that five to wit:

Mess Chambers
Jones &

were in your Mess: 20 Decr beginning with Mr Breckinridge. The 5h to wit Shadk. Bond was included in your nomination 23d Decr beginning with Peter Walsh.

On 17th Jany as ordered you will find my return on all the nominations 20 Decr beginning with Mr Breckinridge, except the nominations of James Wilkinson & others, Luisiana nominations. And on the same paper a return on all the nominations 23 Decr beginning with Peter Welsh except those of Mr Grusley & Mr Griffin.

I presume the S will complete these lists in the course of the day; In the mean time I state as above that the five nominations of the Indiana council have been advised & consented to.

I am very respectfully Your obedt humle Sert

Sam A. Otis


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