Thomas Jefferson Papers

From Thomas Jefferson to John Taggert, 9 November 1805

Washington Nov. 9. 05.


Your kind offers of service on a former occasion have encouraged me to trouble you again with a commission of the same nature. I have occasion for the articles of oil, paint &c. below mentioned, and ask the favor of you to procure them for me, and to forward them to Messrs. Gibson & Jefferson of Richmond.   I wrote two days ago to messrs Jones & Howell for a supply of nailrod to be forwarded immediately to the same address. they may very probably be able to inform you of a conveyance, and it would be more secure should their and your articles go together. on informing me of the amount of the articles the cost shall be remitted without delay & with many thanks. in the mean time accept my respectful salutations.

Th: Jefferson

40. galls. linseed oil
600. ℔ White lead, dry
50. ℔ Whiting
20. ℔ stone ochre
3. ℔ Turkey umber.
6. ℔ Terra di Siena
3. gallons Copal varnish

MHi: Coolidge Collection.

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