Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from William Jones, 3 August 1805

London 3rd Augt 1805


The favor of your order was handed to us by Mr. Tunnicliffe & during the short time allowed me have used our best exertions to furnish the articles. They are of the best workmanship & we hope they will please. The small pamphlet on Cyder & Perry is out of print & very scarce but we will endeavour to procure you one by the time we may next be favored with an order. Mr. Tunnicliffe has paid us our account as under.

I am Sir For Self & S Jones Your obt hble Servt

Wm Jones

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.


His Excellency Thomas Jefferson

Bought of W & S. Jones 

A pair of 18 Inch Globes 7– 7–
A compass and fitting 6–
A improved sliding hour circle 8–
A pr of red leather covers to Globes 1– 6–
Arrowsmiths Map of Europe 2– 5–
 Ditto   of Asia 2– 5–
 Ditto   of Africa 2– 5–
Almadilla’s Map of S America by Rador 2– 12– 6
Baxter’s History of England bds 2– 2–
Cambrun an Brewing 8–
Adams Geometrical Essays 2 of Ova 19–
Adams introduction to Practical Astrony 2– 6
A portable drasing board and seat 1– 1–
A protracting parallel Ruler 1– 16–
A 1 Pr achrom Telescope & Adjustment }
To a Ramsdens Equitorial 3– 3–
With new parallel plate staves &c
A Strong packing Case 1– 10–
£ 29– 16–

132.[46] D 29–16–

Index Entries