From Thomas Jefferson to William Short, 18 January 1826
Monticello Jan. 18. 26.
Dear Sir
Yours of the 11th is recieved. those of Nov. 2. and Dec. 14. had been so in due time. I suppose I had not acknoleged them specifically from being perhaps too lazy to recur to them while writing mine of the 3d I thank you for your information from mr Boyé and shall desire the instruments to remain in their present position until I can find a safe and gentle conveyance and give an order for them. the Russian discourse was duly recieved and was read with the feelings it would naturally excite in the breast of a friend to the Rights of man. on the subject of emancipation I have ceased to think because not to be a work of my day. the plan of converting the blacks into Serfs would certainly be better than keeping them in their present condition; but I consider that of expatriation to the governments of the W. I. of their own colour as entirely practicable, and greatly preferable to the mixture of colour here. to this I have great aversion; but I repeat my abandonment of the subject. my health is at present as good as I ever expect it to be, and I am ever and affectionately your’s
Th: Jefferson
ViW: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.