From Thomas Jefferson to William John Coffee, 19 September 1824
Monto Sep. 19. 24.
Dear Sir
Your favor of the 11th was recieved yesterday evening, and the want of our roses pressing on us I lose no time in answering your enquiries. the soffite of the frieze of the Rotunda wherein the roses will be planted is 32. f. above the floor of the portico & platform of the terrasses, and 40. f above the level of the lawn. they will be principally & equally viewed at these two heights—when I wrote to you on the 4th I expected every moment to recieve one of the sheets of the ground plan of the University as taken from mr Marveric’s engraved plate which I meant to forward instantly. I have not yet recieved it but expect it constantly & shall forward it on reciept.
I possess no data from which I could form the least conjecture what success might attend the drawing and engraving of a perspective & landscape of the university, as you propose. one has been made, by a mr Williams 12. by 3. I which will be engraved, as a vignette, on the map of Virga now preparing for impression. another of 18. by 12. I by mr Goodacre, son of the gentleman of that name who lectures on astron. and is now probably in N. Y. this I understood he would engrave on his return to England. a 3d of about the same size has been done by a mr Cook, a drawer by profession, with a view also to engraving it for sale. one or two painters of superior order have thought of doing the same thing. this is the only information I can give you on this subject & salute you with friendly respect & esteem
Th: J.