To Thomas Jefferson from Bernard Peyton, 1 September 1823
Richd 1 Sepr 1823
Dear Sir,
Your esteemd favor 27 ulto: is now before me, & will, the first moment I can quit my room, (to which I have been confined, with Billious fever, since fridy last) procure the Wine & Spike rods you write for, & send them by the first Waggon—as to the other Rods, would rather take the loss on myself, over & above what I could dispose of them for, than you should bear it, by my want of experience in the articles wanted, I gave the letter, to our largest dealer here, to furnish Rods agreeable to the memodm, finding the prices were the same any where, & I sent such as he selected, but he, no doubt, would object, at this late period, to exchange them, they being, no doubt, much rustied & defaced, if not injured—at any event, it would be better to send them down, I could probably dispose of them for something, unless they are too much injured to be worth the transportation—
B. Peyton
I have not been able to find—tolerable New England cheese yet
B. P.