Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from E.S. Davis, 7 August 1823

Abbeville So Ca Augt 7. 1823

My dear Sir:

Having arrived at home, the same unceremonious and sincere friendship with which I called on you as I passed through Virginia, inducing me now to write.

I am however, too sensible of the frequent trouble to which you are no doubt exposed from calls, and letters, such as mine, not to offer an apology—But at the same time that I tender an apology, I must beg leave to thank you for the attention you paid me whilst in your neighbourhood—

I regret very much that our conversation relative to the University of Va was so desultory. I trust however, that you will receive efficient aid from your legislature, with some of whose members I attempted to enforce the necessity of cooperating with you in your great and laudable views in relation to this institution. I cannot believe however that Virginia will so far forget herself as by an act of parsimony to compromise & for a moment her distinguished character for the promotion, and diffusion of knowledge.

My regret was increased on finding myself unable to explain the different compartments, & the purposes for which they are intended, in the plan of the university I brought with me. A number of my friends called to view the plan, and it has been a source of no little mortification to me, not to be able to give it the perspicuous detail to which it certainly is intitled.

I dislike exceedingly to trouble you, but from the earnest solicitude evinced by a number of gentlemen in this State for the success of your University (for it should be called Jefferson University) I must beg of you to send me a plan similar to the one I have lent, designating the different appartments, buildings &c.

You will please send it by mail without any regard to expence as it would be particularly desirable to receive it before I set out for the legislature, in the mean while I must beg you accept of my first wishes for your health & happiness.

E. S. Davis

P.S. pray let me hear whether or not the marble Caput aristabula, of which you had Just received information, have been put up.
 Their grand and exquisite effect I can readily anticipate.

E. S. D.

CSmH: Jefferson File.

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