Thomas Jefferson Papers

Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 30 June 1823

From Bernard Peyton

Richd 30 June 1823

Dear Sir,

Last week being unfavorable for opening & sales Tobacco, postponed the inspection the other 9 Hhds: of yours, until to=day, & regret to say, that the order of it was generally about the same as the other Ten, much too high, five of them were tolerable, in this respect, & brot" $8.30 round—two were refused, & brot" $3.05 and $4.60, the other two $4.95, & $6.55—By next mail will hand sales the same, & your quarterly ℀, as heretofore directed—

No more of your Tobacco has been received, & I understand no more of it is yet delivered in Lynchburg.

With great respect Dr sir Yours Very Truly

Bernard Peyton

RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 3 July 1823 and so recorded in SJL.

Index Entries

  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; sells tobacco search
  • Peyton, Bernard; account with TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s tobacco search
  • Peyton, Bernard; letters from search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); tobacco grown at search
  • Richmond, Va.; TJ’s tobacco sold at search
  • tobacco; grown at Poplar Forest search
  • tobacco; price of in Richmond search
  • tobacco; sale of search