Thomas Jefferson to James O. Morse, 30 June 1823
To James O. Morse
Monticello June 30. 23.
You ask permission to publish my letter to you of Apr. 30. altho I have a great aversion to this generally, yet I consent on the present occasion, because, in fact, I wish it to be known that I do not meddle in the ensuing Presidential election. but as that letter was written carelesly, without an idea of it’s going into the papers, I must ask leave, by some corrections, to make it more proper for the public eye. I inclose you therefore a revised copy, which you are free to publish, but not if you please, the one now inclosing it. I salute you with respectful consideration.
Th: Jefferson
FC (MoSHi: TJC-BC); on verso of reused address cover of Bernard Peyton to TJ, 16 Dec. 1822; in TJ’s hand; at foot of text: “Mr James O. Morse”; endorsed by TJ. Enclosure: TJ to Morse, 30 Apr. 1823.
Index Entries
- Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; publication of papers search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; publication of his letters search
- Morse, James Otis; and presidential candidates search
- Morse, James Otis; letters to search
- politics; elections search
- politics; TJ avoids political debates search
- United States; and presidential election of1824 search