James Monroe to Thomas Jefferson, 30 June 1823
From James Monroe
Washington June 30. 1823.
Dear Sir
The view which you have communicated of the condition, relation, & disposition, of Cuba, & its inhabitants, founded on the information of Mr Miralla, is very interesting. It accords also in every particular, with that which has been taken here, aided by all the light which we have been able to obtain, through the most authentic channels, from the Island. The people consider Columbia, too distant, to render a connection with it useful, for the purposes, for which, they will require a connection with another community, in case of the dismemberment from Spain; that a connection with mexico is liable in part to the same objection; and that an incorporation with the U States, is, in all respects, the most desirable event that can occur to them, being more contiguous, more powerful, stable in a system of govt which they admire, & in which, they wish to participate, and likewise intimately connected with them in commerce. To England, they would become a colony only. They think that they cannot maintain their independance themselves, for even if foreign powers would not molest them, they fear, that if separated from Spain, the supiriority of the black population would secure the govt to them. We have advised them, to cling to Spain, for the present, & indeed as long as they can, and to resist by force, any attempt to get possession of the Island, by England, intimating, in case such an attempt should be made, and they should then make known their preference for us, that the subject would be laid before Congress, who would decide on a full view of the State of things at the time, on the part which it would be proper for the U States to take, & which there was great cause to believe would be favorable to their wishes. This advice, has been given them, through different organs, in which they have confidence. I have always concurr’d with you in sentiment, that too much importance could not be attached to that Island, and that we ought, if possible, to incorporate it into our union, availing ourselves of the most favorable moment for it, hoping also that one would arrive, when it might be done, without a rupture with Spain or any other power. I consider Cape Florida, & Cuba, as forming the mouth of the mississippi, & other rivers, emptying into the Gulph of mexico, within our limits, as of the Gulph itself, & in consequence that the acquisition of it to our union, was of the highest importance to our internal tranquility, as well as to our prosperity and aggrandizement.
Mr Gallatin has returnd very much dissatisfied, with the conduct of the French govt, towards the U States, on many very important points, on which he was instructed, & held communication with that govt. The demand of indemnity for spoliations on our commerce, made, during the term of Boniparte, has entirely failed, altho’ such indemnity was made to some of the allied powers: the French government drove our fishermen from the strait of Belle Isle formd by New Foundland & the Labrador coast, the right of fishing on wh is1 securd to us by treaties with England, & rightfully as is believd, without any previous notice to our govt. It has also declind, ratifying, one of the separate articles in the late commercial treaty, or to say whether it will, or will not ratify it. In these concerns, it has eva[d]ed in each instance the question, setting up in regard to the claims, one on its part, to a preference to other powers, in a commerce with Louisiana, under the treaty by which that territory was ceded to the U States, or an indemnity for withholding it, and various other unfounded pretentions. The question, relating to the right of fishing, in the quarter mentiond, our right being, as is thought, fully establishd, by argument, it has not met in that form; and to the third one, it has given no answer whatever. A few days before mr Gallatin left France, he communicated his sentiments freely to the minister of foreign affairs on these points, as he also did, on the conduct of France in regard to So Am:, & likewise in the invasion of Spain, which he assurd him, was, in the opinion of the U States & of their govt, an unjustifiable measure. The minister heard him attentively, but gave no answer, on either point.
The British govt has enter’d into a formal arrangment with France, by which she agrees to remain neutral, in the war with Spain. Of the progress of the armies, we have nothing new, except that Mina, has thrown himself in the rear of the French army, but whether in sufficient force to meet it in battle, or merely as a partisan mov’ment, is not known.
I have receivd a kind invitation from our neighbours to meet them at Milton, on the 4th of July, for the celebration of the anniversary of our independance there, which I should be happy to do, as I have assurd them, if I was not detaind here, for the present, by many pressing duties, & also by the indisposition of my family.
James Monroe
You have, I presume, seen, by the gazettes, that a motion has been made in the British house of commons, to liberate the Slaves in the W. Indies, & been treated with respect by mr. Canning. The effect, should the measure be adopted, on those, in the southern States, may be anticipated. The govt of St Domingo, has demanded its recognition, & complains that a formal application for it, has not been answerd. The subject was referrd to me at the last Session, by a motion of mr. Holmes, of maine, and on which I sent a special message, adverting very concisely2 to all the most important considerations involved in it, in the expectation that it would be published, & in the hope that the view therin taken, would conciliate the several parts of the union towards each other, in regard to the delicate interest, to which it related. The Senate decided not to publish it, not knowing as I presume, the views of the Executive on that point.
RC (DLC); edge trimmed; endorsed by TJ as received 3 July 1823 and so recorded in SJL.
The United States retained the right of fishing off the coast of Newfoundland in treaties with Great Britain ratified in 1783 and 1819 ( , 2:98, 658–9). The late commercial treaty with France was the 24 June 1822 Convention of Navigation and Commerce. It originally included a separate article that was never ratified or implemented: “It is agreed that the extra-duties, specified in the 1st and 2d Articles of this Convention shall be levied only upon the excess of value of the merchandize imported, over the value of the merchandize exported in the same Vessel upon the same voyage: so that if the value of the Articles exported shall equal or exceed that of the Articles imported in the same Vessel (not including however Articles imported for transit or re-exportation) no such extra-duties shall be levied; and if the Articles exported are less in value than those imported, the extra-duties shall be levied only upon the amount of the difference of their value” ( , 3:90).
France ceded Louisiana to the United States in a treaty of 30 Apr. 1803 ( , 2:498–511). The French minister of foreign affairs was François Auguste René, vicomte de Chateaubriand. Francisco Espoz y mina was a Spanish guerrilla leader and military commander.
Various gazettes had recently reported that the British House of Commons had received petitions for the abolition of slavery in the British colonies, and that George Canning had concluded a parliamentary speech by reading “certain resolutions which stated it to be expedient to effect a gradual abolition of slavery, that the House was anxious for it at the earliest period consistent with the well being of the slaves themselves, and the safety of property, &c. in the colonies,” which resolutions were adopted (New-York Spectator, 24 June 1823; Richmond Enquirer, 27 June 1823).
On 24 Dec. 1822 United States senator John holmes, of maine, moved “That the President of the United States be requested to communicate to the Senate such information as he may possess, of the commercial relations which now exist between the United States and the present government of St. Domingo; what is the political condition of the island; whether any European nation pretends to claim the government of the island; and whether any further commercial relations with the existing government would be consistent with the interest and safety of the United States.” The Senate approved the motion three days later ( , 12:50, 54). President Monroe responded to the request with a special message of 25 Feb. 1823 on the Republic of Haiti, stating “that the whole island is now united under one government, under a constitution which retains the sovereignty in the hands of the people of color, and with provisions which prohibit the employment in the government, of all white persons who have emigrated there since 1816, or who may hereafter emigrate there; and which prohibit, also, the acquisition, by such persons, of the right of citizenship, or to real estate in the island”; that no European nations have interfered with that government, though France has not formally recognized the independence of the island; that it remains to be seen what effect the new form of government will have on its foreign relations; that the United States government will continue to promote its commercial intercourse there, but has complained of being “subjected to higher duties than have been imposed on like articles from some other nations”; and that “it is the duty of this government to promote, by all the means in its power, and by a fair and honorable policy, the best interest of every other part, and thereby of the whole.” Monroe’s message was read in the Senate on 26 Feb. 1823 and ordered to lie for consideration ( , 3:335, 336).
1. Preceding seven words interlined.
2. Preceding two words interlined.
Index Entries
- African Americans; and Cuba search
- Canada; and U.S. fishing rights search
- Canning, George; British foreign minister search
- Chateaubriand, François Auguste René, vicomte de; as French minister of foreign affairs search
- Colombia, Republic of; and Cuba search
- Congress, U.S.; and acquisition of new territories search
- Congress, U.S.; and recognition of independence of French and Spanish colonies search
- Congress, U.S.; J. Monroe’s messages to search
- Cuba; and African Americans search
- Cuba; and European powers search
- Cuba; possible acquisition by U.S. search
- Cuba; public opinion in search
- Espoz y Mina, Francisco search
- fisheries, Canadian; U.S. rights to search
- Fourth of July; celebrations search
- France; and invasion of Spain search
- France; and Republic of Haiti search
- France; and South America search
- France; and U.S. search
- France; commercial treaty with search
- Gallatin, Albert; as minister plenipotentiary to France search
- Great Britain; and Cuba search
- Great Britain; and French invasion of Spain search
- Great Britain; and slave trade search
- Great Britain; and U.S. search
- Great Britain; House of Commons search
- Gulf of Mexico; and mouth of Mississippi River search
- Haiti, Republic of; blacks in search
- Haiti, Republic of; recognition of search
- Haiti, Republic of; trade with U.S. search
- Holmes, John; as U.S. senator search
- Louisiana Territory; and Treaty of Paris (1803) search
- Mexico; and Cuba search
- Miralla, José Antonio; on Cuba search
- Mississippi River; U.S. rights to search
- Monroe, James; and Cuba search
- Monroe, James; and European affairs search
- Monroe, James; and Fourth of July celebrations search
- Monroe, James; and U.S. foreign relations search
- Monroe, James; family of search
- Monroe, James; letters from search
- Monroe, James; presidential messages of search
- Napoleon I, emperor of France; and U.S. search
- Paris; Treaty of (1783) search
- Paris; Treaty of (1803) search
- slavery; abolition of search
- South America; and European powers search
- Spain; and Cuba search
- Spain; invaded by France search
- United States; and Cuba search
- United States; and France search
- United States; and Great Britain search
- United States; and South American republics search
- West Indies; and abolition of slavery search