Thomas Jefferson Papers
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Thomas Jefferson’s Account with Bernard Peyton for Tobacco Sales, 26 June 1823

Account with Bernard Peyton for Tobacco Sales

Sales Ten Hhds: Tobacco by Bernard Peyton
for ℀. Mr Thomas Jefferson
1823 Richd
23 June— To Sundry persons,  Viz:—
T.J. No 1. 1590–150–1440  ℔s: nett to Ben: Hatcher at $9. 20 $132. 48
〃 2 1620=150=1470 }
〃 3. 1660=160=1500
〃 4 1610=150=1460
〃 5 1460=150=1310
〃 7 1575=148=1427
〃 8 1600=160=1440 = 8607 ℔s: nett to Kerr & Caskie @ $6. 95 598. 19
〃 6 1490=148=1342  ℔s: nett to Ro. Graham 9. 00 120. 78
〃 9 1600=150=1450 }
〃 10 1535=145=1390 = 28401 ℔s nett to R. & T. Gwathmey 5. 65 160. 46
$1,011. 91
To Cash pd freight 14,9932 ℔s: nett at 2/6. $62. 47
〃 〃 〃 for Notes @ 3/– $5.00. Drayage at 9/– $15.00 20. 00
〃 Commission at 2½ pr Cent 25. 30 $107. 77
Nett prcds: at cr T.J $904. 14
 Bernard Peyton
r N. N. Wilkinson

MS (MHi); entirely in N. N. Wilkinson’s hand, except as noted below; endorsed by TJ: “Peyton Bernard June 23. 23”; with additional notation by TJ beneath endorsement: “sale of 10. hhds P.F. [i.e., Poplar Forest] tobo”; calculation by TJ adjacent to signatures: “

142,29 |107.77 ( .75 charges pr hundred
6.36 nett proceeds

e.e.: “Errors Excepted.”

A letter from Peyton to TJ of 23 June 1823, not found, is recorded in SJL as received from Richmond two days later. A second letter from Peyton of 23 June 1823, also missing and possibly a misdated covering letter for the above account, is recorded in SJL as received 29 June 1823 from Richmond.

1Beneath this number TJ drew a rule and “14229 | 1011.91 (7.11.”

2TJ wrote “14229” above this number.

Index Entries

  • Graham, Robert (of Richmond); buys TJ’s tobacco search
  • Hatcher, Benjamin; buys TJ’s tobacco search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; sells tobacco search
  • Kerr & Caskie (Manchester, Va. firm); buys TJ’s tobacco search
  • Peyton, Bernard; account with TJ search
  • Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s tobacco search
  • Peyton, Bernard; letters from accounted for search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); tobacco grown at search
  • Richmond, Va.; TJ’s tobacco sold at search
  • Robert & Temple Gwathmey (Richmond firm) search
  • tobacco; grown at Poplar Forest search
  • tobacco; sale of search
  • Wilkinson, N. N.; as clerk for B. Peyton search