Thomas Ritchie to Thomas Jefferson, 23 June 1823
From Thomas Ritchie
June 23d 1823.
Dr Sir
I had ascertained previously to the receipt of your last letter (in consequence of Enquiries set on foot by your first,) that there was a material error in the Acct. presentd to you. Instead of $60 being due, there had been 60 paid—leaving only $15 even up to May next. How this error has crept into the Agent’s book, I am at a loss to know—certain it is, there is none such on the office book. It is, I suspect therefore, some mistake of his own.—I really did not know, that he had the Acct. at all.—Col. Gooch has since received the above $15 from Col. Peyton; so that in fact, the Enquirer is now in your debt till next May.
I have delivered to Col. Peyton for you the Sessions Acts of the last Legislature.—All the previous Copies have been paid for.
I am sorry it is not in my power to furnish you with Copies of the Nos you write for—they not being republished in a pamphlet form, and the newspapers which contained them having run out.—I will do myself the pleasure, however, to forward you by next Mail ½ a doz. Copies of Mr Madison’s illustrious Report, re-published in conjunction with Judge Roane’s Hampden, in the Case of the USB[k] Vs McCulloch. You will be so good as to retain as many Copies as you wish, and forward the rest to such of your friends as may make the best Use of them. The Report stands in need of no Eulogium. It is one of the finest Memorials of the Clearness and profoundness of the American mind. Th[e] misfortune is, that it is scarcely known beyo[nd] the Confines of Virginia.
With the Sincerest Respect,
Thomas Ritchie
RC (DLC); dateline at foot of text; edge trimmed; endorsed by TJ as received 25 June 1823 and so recorded in SJL.
by next mail Ritchie sent his publication of the Exposition of the Federal Constitution. contained in the Report of the committee of the Virginia House of Delegates; to whom were committed the Proceedings, of Sundry of the Other States, in answer to the Resolutions of the General Assembly, Of the 21st Day of December, 1798, commonly called Madison’s Report. to which is subjoined a series of papers under the signature of Hampden, (Originally published in the Richmond Enquirer of June, 1819.) Being a Critique on the Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Case of the Bank Law (Richmond, 1819).
Index Entries
- Cohens v. Virginia search
- Exposition of the Federal Constitution. contained in the Report of the committee of the Virginia House of Delegates … commonly called Madison’s Report. to which is subjoined a series of papers under the signature of Hampden, (Originally published in the Richmond Enquirer of June, 1819.) Being a Critique on the Opinion of the Supreme Court of the United States, in the Case of the Bank Law search
- Gooch, Claiborne Watts; as editor ofRichmond Enquirer search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; and newspaper subscriptions search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
- law; books on search
- Madison, James (1751–1836); Report of 1800 search
- McCulloch v. Maryland search
- newspapers; subscriptions to, by TJ search
- Peyton, Bernard; and books for TJ search
- Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
- Richmond Enquirer (newspaper); prints essays onCohens v. Virginia search
- Richmond Enquirer (newspaper); prints S. Roane’s essays search
- Richmond Enquirer (newspaper); TJ subscribes to search
- Ritchie, Thomas; and works for TJ search
- Ritchie, Thomas; as editor ofRichmond Enquirer search
- Ritchie, Thomas; letters from search
- Roane, Spencer; andMcCulloch v. Maryland search
- subscriptions, for publications; newspapers search
- Supreme Court, U.S.; andCohens v. Virginia search
- Supreme Court, U.S.; andMcCulloch v. Maryland search
- Virginia; laws of search