Thomas Jefferson Papers

Charles Bruce to Thomas Jefferson, 7 June 1823

From Charles Bruce

Greenvile District So: Carolina1 7th June A.D. 1823


an extract of your letter to Mr Adams and his answer fell into my hands, the sastisfaction they gave me is more than I can express to find my opinion of death puported by two of the greatest charecter’s in the Union, It was a considerable time before I could get my own consent to address you. but believing if their was nothing that would entertain or amuse you it would not give offence to your great mind, and have venturd to throw in my mite into the scale of nature.   I was born in Culpeper of Poor parrents with only a few months [scho]oling barely sufficient to learn to read at the age [of t]hirteen was bound to a Carpenter & Joiner which [tra]de I still follow. for between thirty & forty years, [ha]ve enjoy’d an intire good state of health except a few trifles not worth naming, On the 30th of Oct. last I enterd my 78th year. neither the cold of winter nor heat of summer dont affect me more now than it did 40 years ageo. I live twelve miles from the Court House. I often take & early brakefast set out on foot spend three or four hours there and Return home in the evening without fatigue. my hearing about eighten years ageo was so bad I expected to become entirely deaf. it is now become so good that I can converse without dificulty, my memory which has been equal to any person I [e]ver convers’d with is still good, I never sit down to eat that I ever wish for any thing but what is present. if different dishes I make my meal of [w]hat is nearest me and all food agrees equally well with me I have never tasted spirits since a child nor us’d Tobacco nor whittled with a knife for amusement, nor ill manorly rested myself on any persons shoulder.   I was in Richmond shortly after the purchas of Lousianna

I was askd by the chief Justice how we in carolina stood affected to the present administration. I answer’d as follows. I.E. Sir from the creation to the present day there never was any people2 better reconcild with any administration than we are with Mr Jeffersons. his attachment to the Republican principles and every act of his life bespeakes to us. he is a true republican. which makes us look upon him as the first man in the Union. living in a remote part o[f] the state where we’ve very little information [. . .] look upon you as a Federlast and hold you [up?] as such which I thaught was rather pleasing [than?] otherwise.   I wrote to my brother Richard that I expected to pay him a visit and spend the last winter with him. the death of my wife prevented me. I still think of doing it next. my rode is through Charlotts Ville I shall think myself highly honour’d to spend a night under your hospital roof.   Ambrose Williams is lately dead at a hundred & ten. Mrs Ford at Nintyfive leaving an ofspring of upwards of five hundred’s Dr Alexander is collecting Meterials for publishing the exact number.   Dr Ramsy says in his History of So. Carolina that Mrs Easly of Greenvil[e] was the mother of 36 living Children and never had twins but oncd. I was well acquainted wi[th] the lady & Family and have often had the number of thier children from them.

I am with the highest respect yours &.c

Charles Bruce

N.B Mr Williams & Mrs Ford was both of this district.3


My address to the Public is a Copy of Mjr Peter Edwards oath sworn in the Court of Equaty whare Capt Colwell was plantiff all asses are not natives of Virginia

C,. Bruce

RC (DLC); edge trimmed; torn at seal; endorsed by TJ as received 5 July 1823 and so recorded in SJL.

Charles Bruce (1745–1831), carpenter, was born in Culpeper County. During the American Revolution he served as an officer in the South Carolina patriot militia, 1780–82, and by 1790 he had become a permanent resident of Greenville, South Carolina. In 1810 Bruce ran unsuccessfully for a seat in the United States House of Representatives to represent the Greenville and Pendleton districts (Bobby Gilmer Moss, Roster of South Carolina Patriots in the American Revolution [1983], 1:113–4; DNA: RG 29, CS, S.C., Greenville, 1790; Pendleton Miller’s Weekly Messenger, 28 Apr., 2 June 1810; Greenville Enterprise, 18 Oct. 1871; Greenville Mountaineer, 18 Feb. 1832).

TJ’s letter to John Adams and his answer are printed above at 1 June and 11 June 1822, respectively. The chief justice was John Marshall. David Ramsay (ramsy) reported that a Mrs. Easely (easly), of Greenville, “has been the mother of 34 live born children, though she never had twins but once” (The History of South-Carolina, from its first settlement in 1670, to the Year 1808 [Charleston, 1809], 2:415). capt colwell: William Caldwell.

1Dateline to this point adjacent to signature.

2Preceding five words interlined.

3Remainder on a small slip.

Index Entries

  • Adams, John; and correspondence with TJ search
  • alcohol; spirits search
  • Alexander, Dr.; and old South Carolinians search
  • Bruce, Charles; Address to the Public search
  • Bruce, Charles; biography and personal habits of search
  • Bruce, Charles; family of search
  • Bruce, Charles; identified search
  • Bruce, Charles; letter from search
  • Bruce, Charles; on South Carolinians search
  • Bruce, Richard; family of search
  • Caldwell, William search
  • Charlottesville, Va.; roads in search
  • deafness; and old age search
  • Easely, Mrs. (of Greenville, S.C.) search
  • Edwards, Peter search
  • Ford, Mrs. (of S.C.) search
  • health; hearing loss search
  • household articles; knives search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Public Service; administration supported search
  • knives; for whittling search
  • Louisiana Territory; and Treaty of Paris (1803) search
  • Marshall, John; as chief justice of U.S. Supreme Court search
  • Ramsay, David (1749–1815); The History of South-Carolina, from its first settlement in 1670, to the Year 1808 search
  • roads; in Albemarle Co. search
  • South Carolina; public opinion in search
  • South Carolina; remarkably old residents of search
  • spirits (alcohol) search
  • The History of South-Carolina, from its first settlement in 1670, to the Year 1808 (D. Ramsay) search
  • tobacco; smoking of search
  • weather; effect on health search
  • Williams, Ambrose search