Thomas Jefferson Papers

Michael Megear to Thomas Jefferson, 23 May 1823

From Michael Megear

Wilmington 5 mo 23d 1823

Worthy Friend

I have taken the liberty of presenting thee1 with a Book the title of which is Paul & Amicus, being a Religious controversy, accationed by an attack made on the Society of Friends,2 by a Presbetarian Clergyman, wherein he has attempted to strip the Society of even the name of Christians, which was Answered by a friend, & our Doctrines defended against his Charges, which are before a deserning Publick to Judge how far he has succeeded, Our chief offence has been that the Society would not Join in with the Wild Schemes of the Clergy in contributing their mony for modern Crusading—

I thought the Book would at least afford thee3 some amusement, as well as to make thee4 acquainted with our Doctrines, particularly on the subject of the Trinity as generally held by the Society of friends, Especially as thee5 has not escaped the Inquisitoriel Spirit of the Clergy on the same subject—I think without want of Charity, that the moving object with the great body of the Clergy in establishing the Various Societys for Converting The Heathen (as they call them) &C, is too much for their own agrandizement, wherby they may affect an Influence over the people so as to bring about schemes for grasping power, which I ardently pray may be frustated, and regret much that Congress ever adopted the practice of having Chaplins to attend their6 sessions, for it has given them at least a Hope, that some day they might mount into power, which if it ever comes, it will be a Dark day for Happy America—

I am with sincere regard thy friend,

Michael Megear

N.B. I should like to be informd if the Book reaches thee7


RC (CSmH: JF-BA); endorsed by TJ as received 27 May 1823 and so recorded in SJL.

Michael Megear (ca. 1766–1831), hatter, lived by 1794 at Head of Chester (later Millington), a town straddling Kent and Queen Anne’s counties in Maryland, and worked as a hatmaker by 1799. In 1807 he moved to Wilmington, Delaware, and continued in the same trade. Megear was a director of the Wilmington Library Company in 1809 and served as its president in at least 1819. In the latter year he also joined a Republican vigilance committee in Christiana Hundred, New Castle County. At his death in the same county Megear’s personal property, which included one hundred books, was appraised at $4,974.35, in addition to material for hatting valued at $1,569.23 (Herbert Standing, comp., Delaware Quaker Records: Early Members of Wilmington Meeting [(1921?)], 213; Wilmington Delaware and Eastern-Shore Advertiser, 10 Dec. 1794; Easton Maryland Herald, and Eastern Shore Intelligencer, 29 Jan. 1799; Philadelphia Aurora for the Country, 7/8 May 1807; Wilmington American Watchman; and, Delaware Republican, 7 Oct. 1809; Wilmington Directory, for the year 1814 [(Wilmington, 1814)], 26; Journal of the House of Representatives of the State of Delaware [Dover, 1819], 30; Wilmington American Watchman, 2 Oct. 1819; Wilmington Delaware Advertiser and Farmer’s Journal, 6 Jan. 1831; Megear’s will and estate inventory in New Castle Co. Register of Wills).

The enclosed book, Letters of Paul and Amicus: originally published in The Christian Repository (Wilmington, 1823; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library, 1829 description ends , 9 [no. 524]), contained a series of anonymous letters between the Presbyterian clergyman Eliphalet Wheeler Gilbert writing as “Paul,” which were answered primarily by the Quaker Benjamin Ferris writing as “Amicus.”

1Manuscript: “the.”

2Manuscript: “Friend.”

3Manuscript: “the.”

4Manuscript: “the.”

5Manuscript: “the.”

6Manuscript: “their their.”

7Manuscript: “the.”

Index Entries

  • Christianity; and Trinitarian doctrine search
  • clergy; criticism of search
  • Ferris, Benjamin; andLetters of Paul and Amicus: originally published in The Christian Repository search
  • Gilbert, Eliphalet Wheeler; andLetters of Paul and Amicus: originally published in The Christian Repository search
  • House of Representatives, U.S.; chaplains to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Letters of Paul and Amicus: originally published in The Christian Repository search
  • Megear, Michael; and Quakerism search
  • Megear, Michael; identified search
  • Megear, Michael; letter from search
  • Quakers; criticized search
  • Quakers; works on search
  • religion; and missionary societies search
  • religion; and TJ’s rumored infidelity search
  • religion; Quakers search
  • religion; works on search