Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Leiper to Thomas Jefferson, 9 May 1823

From Thomas Leiper

Philada May. 9th 1823.

Dear Sir

I have sent you by Mail this day Mathew Carey Apeal to Common Sense and Common Justice & Mathew Carey Address to the Philadelphia Society for Promotion of National Inddustry & M Carys New Olive Branch & Mathew Carey Strictures On Mr Cambreleng’s work entitled an Examination of the new Tariff & Mathew Carey Desultory Facts and Observations & James Gray Sketch of the Present condition and Prospects of the Christain Church & A View on the Politcal Economy from the discription of the United States by John Melish & Essay on Impost Duties and Prohibitions by Count Chaptal Several peices signed Hamilton wrote by Mathew Carey & The Agricultural Almanack you will please to observe the method the Hon1 Josiah Quincy manages his farm and I hope you will practice it as an example to your neighbours & Mr Stimson’s produce from his Farm & Mathew Careys letters to the Directors of the Banks of Philadelphia & Funeral Eulogy Pronounced at St Helena May 9th 1821 over the Tomb of Napoleon by Marshal Bartrand & A New System of Cultivation by Major General Alexander Beatson An Address to the Farmers of the United States—Doctor Watson informs me you had Planted last year 400,000 Tobacco Plants 100,000 on your Estate in Albamarle and 300,000 on your Estate Bedford this I suppose will produce you sum 70, 80,000℔s of Tobacco I should like to see a sample of your Albarmale Crop indeed I should like to see both perhap you have introduced some New Land or have you found by introducing Clover2 you have brought your lands to an original State so as to give the Tobacco the same substance and flavor as formerly3—I hope you have found this to be case In the mean time believe me to be with much Esteem and respect

Thomas Leiper

RC (DLC); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson late President of United States”; endorsed by TJ as received 27 May 1823 and so recorded in SJL.

The works sent by Leiper included: (1) An unidentified edition of Mathew Carey, An Appeal to Common Sense and Common Justice; or, Irrefragable Facts opposed to Plausible Theories: Intended to prove the extreme injustice, as well as the utter impolicy, of the existing tariff (Philadelphia, 1822). (2) An unidentified edition of [Carey], Addresses of the Philadelphia Society for the promotion of National Industry (Philadelphia, 1819; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library, 1829 description ends , 11 [no. 707]). (3) Carey, The New Olive Branch: or, an attempt to establish an identity of interest between Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce; and to prove, that a large portion of the manufacturing industry of this nation has been sacrificed to commerce; and that commerce has suffered by this policy nearly as much as manufactures (Philadelphia, 1820; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library, 1829 description ends , 11 [no. 708]). (4) [Carey], “Strictures on Mr. Cambreleng’s Work, entitled, ‘An examination of the New Tariff’” ([Philadelphia, 1821]). (5) “A Pennsylvanian” [Carey], Desultory Facts, and Observations, illustrative of the Past and Present Situation and Future Prospects of the United States: embracing A View of the causes of the late Bankruptcies in Boston (Philadelphia, 1822). (6) James Gray, Concio ad Clerum. A Sketch of the Present Condition and Prospects of the Christian Church, delivered before the Associate Reformed Presbytery of Philadelphia at its meeting in the city of Baltimore, April 20, 1821 (Baltimore, 1821). (7) John Melish, Views on Political Economy, from the Description of the United States ([Philadelphia?], 1822). (8) Jean Antoine Chaptal, Essay on Impost Duties and Prohibitions, trans. Carey (Philadelphia, 1821). (9) Unidentified essays by Carey, who often wrote on tariffs under the pseudonym of “Hamilton” during the 1820s (ANB description begins John A. Garraty and Mark C. Carnes, eds., American National Biography, 1999, 24 vols. description ends ). (10) An unidentified agricultural almanac. (11) Carey, Essays on Banking (Philadelphia, 1816), which included Letters to the Directors of the Banks of Philadelphia, on the Pernicious Consequences of the Prevailing System of Reducing the Amount of Bills Discounted: and likewise, on the Impropriety of Banks Holding Immoderate Quantities of Public Stock, when they are obliged to reject unexceptionable Promissory Notes. (12) An unidentified copy of the widely reprinted “Funeral Eulogy Pronounced at St. Helena over the Tomb of Napoleon, May 9, 1821—by Marshal Bertrand” (Salem, Mass., Essex Register, 29 Jan. 1823, and elsewhere). (13) Alexander Beatson, A New System of Cultivation, without Lime, or Dung, or Summer Fallows, as practiced at Knowle-Farm, in the County of Sussex (London, 1820). (14) Carey, Address to the Farmers of the United States, on the Ruinous consequences to their vital Interests, of the existing Policy of this Country (Philadelphia, 1821).

1Leiper here canceled “John Qu.”

2Manuscript: “Clove.”

3Preceding two words interlined.

Index Entries

  • Addresses of the Philadelphia Society for the promotion of National Industry (M. Carey) search
  • Address to the Farmers of the United States, on the Ruinous consequences to their vital Interests, of the existing Policy of this Country (M. Carey) search
  • agriculture; books on search
  • almanacs search
  • An Appeal to Common Sense and Common Justice (M. Carey) search
  • A New System of Cultivation, without Lime, or Dung, or Summer Fallows, as practiced at Knowle-Farm, in the County of Sussex (A. Beatson) search
  • Beatson, Alexander; A New System of Cultivation, without Lime, or Dung, or Summer Fallows, as practiced at Knowle-Farm, in the County of Sussex search
  • Bertrand, Henri Gatien; Funeral Eulogy Pronounced at St. Helena over the Tomb of Napoleon, May 9, 1821—by Marshal Bertrand search
  • books; on banks and currency search
  • books; on politics search
  • books; on tariffs search
  • Cambreleng, Churchill Caldom search
  • Carey, Mathew; Addresses of the Philadelphia Society for the promotion of National Industry search
  • Carey, Mathew; Address to the Farmers of the United States, on the Ruinous consequences to their vital Interests, of the existing Policy of this Country search
  • Carey, Mathew; An Appeal to Common Sense and Common Justice search
  • Carey, Mathew; Desultory Facts, and Observations, illustrative of the Past and Present Situation and Future Prospects of the United States (“A Pennsylvanian”) search
  • Carey, Mathew; Essays on Banking search
  • Carey, Mathew; Letters to the Directors of the Banks of Philadelphia, on the Pernicious Consequences of the Prevailing System of Reducing the Amount of Bills Discounted search
  • Carey, Mathew; Strictures on Mr. Cambreleng’s Work, entitled, ‘An examination of the New Tariff’ search
  • Carey, Mathew; The New Olive Branch: or, an attempt to establish an identity of interest between Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce search
  • Carey, Mathew; translatesEssay on Impost Duties and Prohibitions (J. A. Chaptal) search
  • Carey, Mathew; writes under pseudonym “Hamilton” search
  • Chaptal, Jean Antoine; Essay on Impost Duties and Prohibitions (trans. M. Carey) search
  • clover; improves soil search
  • Concio ad Clerum. A Sketch of the Present Condition and Prospects of the Christian Church (J. Gray) search
  • crops; clover search
  • Desultory Facts, and Observations, illustrative of the Past and Present Situation and Future Prospects of the United States (M. Carey; “A Pennsylvanian”) search
  • Essay on Impost Duties and Prohibitions (J. A. Chaptal; trans. M. Carey) search
  • Essays on Banking (M. Carey) search
  • Funeral Eulogy Pronounced at St. Helena over the Tomb of Napoleon, May 9, 1821—by Marshal Bertrand search
  • Gray, James; Concio ad Clerum. A Sketch of the Present Condition and Prospects of the Christian Church search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
  • Leiper, Thomas; and agriculture search
  • Leiper, Thomas; letters from search
  • Leiper, Thomas; sends works to TJ search
  • Letters to the Directors of the Banks of Philadelphia, on the Pernicious Consequences of the Prevailing System of Reducing the Amount of Bills Discounted (M. Carey) search
  • Melish, John; Views on Political Economy, from the Description of the United States search
  • Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); tobacco crop at search
  • Napoleon I, emperor of France; Funeral Eulogy Pronounced at St. Helena over the Tomb of Napoleon, May 9, 1821—by Marshal Bertrand search
  • Philadelphia Society for the Promotion of National Industry search
  • Poplar Forest (TJ’s Bedford Co. estate); tobacco grown at search
  • Quincy, Josiah (1772–1864); and agriculture search
  • religion; works on search
  • Stimson, Mr.; and agriculture search
  • Strictures on Mr. Cambreleng’s Work, entitled, ‘An examination of the New Tariff’ (M. Carey) search
  • The New Olive Branch: or, an attempt to establish an identity of interest between Agriculture, Manufactures, and Commerce (M. Carey) search
  • tobacco; grown at Monticello search
  • tobacco; grown at Poplar Forest search
  • Views on Political Economy, from the Description of the United States (J. Melish) search
  • Watson, Fontaine; and T. Leiper search