Samuel L. Mitchill and Felix Pascalis to Thomas Jefferson, 28 April 1823
From Samuel L. Mitchill and Felix Pascalis
Newyork, april 28th 1823
The Linnean Society of Paris in electing you one of its honorary members, has of course informed you that since its reorganization, the 24th day of may has been selected for a fête botanique, annually. It is also recommended, as you know, to non-resident members, to associate wherever they can, and to establish similar celebrations. There being several associates in Newyork, an intention has been expressed of honouring the anniversary of Linnæus’s birth, in a becoming manner at the garden of Mr Prince in Flushing. We beleive it [r]espectful to give you information of this design, for the execution of which several preparatory steps have been taken already. We shall think of you on the occasion; since we feel an assurance that you will not disapprove an attempt to render science popular and attractive. We have the honour to assure you of our high & particular respect
Samuel L Mitchill | Honorary Members, &c. |
Felix Pascalis, M.D. |
RC (DLC); in Mitchill’s hand, signed by Mitchill and Pascalis; one word faint; endorsed by TJ as a letter from Mitchill and Pascalis received 3 May 1823 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with FC of TJ to Henry A. S. Dearborn, 9 Dec. 1823, on verso; addressed by Mitchill: “His Excellency Thomas Jefferson honorary Member of the Linnean Society in Paris, &c, &c Monticello.”
Index Entries
- gardens; in New York City search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Honors & Memberships; Société Linnéenne de Paris, membership search
- Linnaeus, Carolus (Carl von Linné); and Société Linnéenne de Paris search
- Mitchill, Samuel Latham; and Société Linnéenne de Paris search
- Mitchill, Samuel Latham; letters from search
- Pascalis Ouviere, Felix Alexander; and Société Linnéenne de Paris search
- Pascalis Ouviere, Felix Alexander; letter from search
- Prince, William; garden of search
- Société Linnéenne de Paris; and annual celebration in New York search