Thomas Jefferson Papers

Robert Smith (printer) to Thomas Jefferson, 15 April 1823

From Robert Smith (printer)

Pittsburgh April 15th 1823


I have made known to you of going on to Annopolis in the year 1800—and put a card into the Newspaper printerd at this city that brought out Judge Duvald to write essays which was inserted in all the Newspapers through the Unit States that was not in the federal interest as I am getting in years I think you should notiece me—and shall expet it at your death when it shall please the allmighty Disposer to call away from this life

Some help would be of gratefal remonstrance and Shall think that I have not lived in vain to do [so?] great an act to bring in a man that has done [a gre]at deal of Good and am your fellow citizen

Robert Smith printer

PS I shall stay and settle near to Pitts burgh Pa

RC (DLC); torn at seal; endorsed by TJ as received 27 Apr. 1823 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to Samuel H. Smith, 19 Dec. 1823, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esq. Charlotsville virginia”; franked; postmarked Pittsburgh, 16 Apr.

Index Entries

  • Annapolis, Md.; Maryland Gazette search
  • charity; requests to TJ for search
  • Duvall, Gabriel; essays of, on election of1800 search
  • Maryland Gazette (Annapolis newspaper) search
  • newspapers; AnnapolisMaryland Gazette search
  • Smith, Robert (printer); and election of1800 search
  • Smith, Robert (printer); letters from search
  • Smith, Robert (printer); requests money from TJ search