Thomas Jefferson Papers

William Johnson to Thomas Jefferson, 11 April 1823

From William Johnson

Charleston April 11th 23.

My dear Sir

It was near the close of the Session of the supreme Court that I recd your welcome Letter of the 4th ult., and as well the Bustle of such an Event, as the Scenes of Distress which attended it, and the Habit of Procrastination which with much less Propriety you attribute to yourself, have prevented me from making an earlier Acknowledgment of the Favour I feel bestowed upon me, when you devote an occasional Half-hour to the Purpose of writing to me.

I am exceedingly gratified to hear that we are to have the Benefit of your Correspondence to rescue us from the Odium which our Federal Opponents have certainly succeeded thus far, in casting upon us, every where, where our Principles and Conduct have not been candidly, and under favorable Circumstances, investigated. Marshall’s Book has had a Circulation in Europe, and there particularly I fear that we have been quite misunderstood. What a Pity that Genl Ws Correspondence could not pass into Hands, that would not select from it those Parts only that have a particular Bearing. But I predict that after the present Selection shall be published the rest will go into the Flames. You are aware I presume that a Selection has been made with a View to Publication. How much rather would I see those Letters that have been pass’d over! How much more interesting to the World & to the American-people are their Contents probably, than the Contents of those that will appear.

You are under the Impression I presume, that the Life of Hamilton is in the Hands of Mason. He undertook the Task but found it impossible to get on with it. It was then put into the Hands of Hopkinson of Philadia, but he, after a Year of Correspondence and Reflection abandoned it. One of his Son’s then contemplated unde[r]taking it, and I supposed was actually engaged in it. You have heard I presume of the Controversy on the Subject of the General’s farewell Address. Mrs H. insists on asserting it to have been altogether Hamilton’s Production, and one of his Sons once told me that the Evidence was conclusive. Hopkinson & Judge W. had some Correspondence on the Subject, and he positively refused to support her Pretensions to it. I cannot believe it myself, & make no Doubt Hopkinson was glad of the Excuse for getting out of a very difficult Undertaking. For a Minister of Religion to write the Life of Hamilton would present a curious Spectacle; unless it should be done in the Style and Manner of the Ordinary of New-gate.

The Encouragement you give me, and the Motives you suggest have induced me to resolve to continue my History of Parties; but I will pursue it Leisurely, and must take the Liberty to trouble you with occasional Queries on the Subject. Whether it shall ever see the light or not, shall depend upon the question whether I have to my own Satisfaction and that of the few Friends to whom I may submit it, supported the Position which I have acknowledged as “my End and Aimthat the distinguishing Characteristic of the Republican Party was, to check the Intemperance of both Democrats and Federalists and administer the Government agreeably to the true Views of the Constitution, equally uninfluenced by the Pretensions of the States or the United States. Pray give me an explicit Opinion on the Correctness of my general Proposition. Sacrifices to be sure, were necessary to fix the Democrats, without whose Aid there was no getting on, but they were mere Sacrifices, and ancillary to the great End. They were the Means, not the End of our political Course.

I concur with you entirely in Opinion that the Prejudices of Mr Adams are not in our Favour; and have always thought that both Father & Son came over to us merely from the Disgust produced by their Squabbles with Pickering & others at the Close of his Administration. I confess to you also that altho’ I held my Peace, I never did approve of the great Liberality with which we rewarded him and one or two others whom I could name, for their Secession. I presume it was done as a Measure of Policy, perhaps of Conciliation; but it disgusted many a sound Republican and held up an unfortunate Motive to others. We may one Day feel its Influence in our own Ranks. Nor could I ever feel that Preeminence of Talent which might have been pleaded, had it been possessd, as the Groundwork of extraordinary Claims upon the Administration. Mr Adams has had more opportunities than any Man of modern Times, unless it was Mr Pinkney, and I do not recollect any thing that either of them ever effected abroad or at home. It is true he has a biting, satyrical Pen; but some think there is full as much ill-temper as Talent usually displayed by it. However, a Treat may be expected from his Father’s Correspondence, should the Public ever get at it. His Vanity will not let him des-troy much of it; but the Son is more politick, & it will be bolted in passing through his Hands. The latter will no doubt write his Biography, unless he has prepared it himself, which I truly hope may be the Case. It will contain some precious Communications, if written since he fell out with his Party. Pickering’s Pen is actually in Moti[on.] I have it from the best Authority that he is engaged in giving an Exposè of his military and political Career. This will be a precious Production. He and Armstrong and Eustis and Brooks could tell us some curious Anecdotes about the Events with which the War of the Revolution terminated. I presume you have seen Armstrongs Philippic against me. I was resolved to force him out, and my Friends know that I wrote expressly with that View. His Abuse can injure no one; but I am really at a Loss to know what to think of Genl W’s supposed Letter to him. There is some Mystery about it, which I think I have the Means of developing. As to the New-berg Letters, I still d[o] not believe that he wrote the first of them. The two others I have no Doubt he wrote. Armstrong thought that the Design, in suggesting the Measure of marching to the Western Country, was too profound to be seen through, but their Course lay through Philadia, where the Public-creditors awaited them, and would have been prepared to receive them, and to give Direction to their ulterior Purposes. One thing is very clear, that Gr Morris attempted to tamper with Greene, and was cooperating with the Conspirators at New-berg in doing so. But he trusted his subalterns as far as he saw it was safe to trust them. If we could only bring out Govr Brooks of Massachusetts the whole Mystery would be developed; for he was one of the Committee who had just returned into Camp from Philadia.

On the subject of seriatim Opinions in the supreme Court I have thought much, and have come to the Resolution to adopt your Suggestion on all Subjects of general Interest; particularly constitutional Questions. On minor Subjects it is of little public Importance. But now, my dear Sir, will you permit me to solicit of you one Favour. I will not press it: but if you could find Leisure to turn your Thoughts to the Subject, you would confer on me a singular Favour if we could amicably and confidentially examine the question how far the supreme Court has yet trespassd upon their Neighbours Territory, or advanced beyond their own constitutional Limits. And believe me, there is no Affectation of a Deference I do not feel when I assure you, that my leading Motive in making the Request is to relinquish or adhere to the Doctrine I have assented to, according as I find them capable of withstanding such a Scrutiny. I will not pretend that I have no View to bringing about a Change of your Opinions on the subject, not for the Triumph, but for the support it would afford me; but to have my own fairly & fully tried, believe me is my leading Motive[.] I cannot I acknowledge but flatter myself that in the main the Country is satisfied with our Decisions; and I urged our Friend Stevenson to bring forward his Motion on the 25th section of the Judiciary-act, in the Hope that there would be some Expression of public Sentiment upon the subject. The Resolution unfortunately could not be taken up at the late session, and we are still left to conjecture. I acknowledge that some things have fallen from particular Judges which are exceptionable, and I exceedingly regret their Publication. But when the Decisions are examined upon their own Merits independantly of the bad or defective Reasons of the Judge who delivers them, I do flatter myself that all in which I ever concurr’d will stand constitutional Scrutiny. It will be impossible to avoid however, conducting the most of our Business in Conclave; for I do verily believe that there is no Body of Men, legislative judicial or executive, who could preserve the public Respect for a Single Year, if the public Eye were permitted always to look behind the Curtain. I have had to examine the human Character in various Situations, Your Experience has been infinitely Greater, but I never met with but one Man who could absolutely leave his Vanity and Weaknesses at home! And have been often absolutely astonished at the Predominance of little Passions over Men in the most elevated Stations.

I have taken the Liberty to inclose a Letter to Miss Ellen from my eldest Daughter a very warm Friend, and earnest Admirer of hers, and will accompany it with a Request that you will tender a very cordial Remembrance from myself to her.

And with Sentiments of the most unaffected and respectful Friendship I subscribe myself

Your most obedt

Willm Johnson

RC (DLC); edge trimmed and chipped; endorsed by TJ as received 24 Apr. 1823 and so recorded in SJL; with notations by TJ at foot of text: “

his memoirs
Gen. W’s lres
 his Adieu
true views of constn pa. 4
Mr A, his own biograph
Caucus if necessary for respect?
state rights.
” Enclosure not found.

As early as 1815 John Marshall had a view to publication of a selection of George Washington’s correspondence (Marshall, Papers description begins Herbert A. Johnson, Charles T. Cullen, Charles F. Hobson, and others, eds., The Papers of John Marshall, 1974–2006, 12 vols. description ends , 8:82–3). In 1826 he passed the project to Jared Sparks, who published a twelve-volume edition, 1834–37. mrs h: Alexander Hamilton’s wife, Elizabeth Schuyler Hamilton. judge w.: Bushrod Washington, who had inherited the papers of his uncle George Washington. For many years the ordinary (chaplain) of London’s Newgate Prison published descriptions of the executions of felons that typically included sermons condemning their crimes.

“Happiness! our Being’s end and aim” is the opening line of Alexander Pope’s An Essay on Man. In Epistles to a Friend. Epistle IV (London, [1734]), 1. John Armstrong’s philippic was his published review in the United States Magazine, new ser., 1 (1823): 3–44, of Johnson’s Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene, 2 vols. (Charleston, 1822; Poor, Jefferson’s Library description begins Nathaniel P. Poor, Catalogue. President Jefferson’s Library, 1829 description ends , 4 [no. 136]). In it, Armstrong disputed Johnson’s claim that Gouverneur Morris had penned the infamous Newburgh letters of 1783, instead reasserting that he was the original author, and including Washington’s 23 Feb. 1797 letter to him (pp. 43–4) exonerating him of any ill intent.

On 26 Apr. 1822 Andrew Stevenson brought forward his motion in the United States House of Representatives that “the Committee on the Judiciary be instructed to prepare and report a bill repealing the 25th section of the act, entitled ‘An act to establish the judicial courts of the United States,’” but the resolution was tabled (JHR description begins Journal of the House of Representatives of the United States description ends , 15:494–5). The 25th section of that 1789 act gave the United States Supreme Court the right to examine the decisions of any state’s highest tribunal under a writ of error in circumstances concerning the validity of federal or constitutional treaties or laws (U.S. Statutes at Large description begins Richard Peters, ed., The Public Statutes at Large of the United States … 1789 to March 3, 1845, 1845–67, 8 vols. description ends , 1:85–7).

miss ellen: Ellen W. Randolph (Coolidge). Johnson’s eldest daughter was Anna Hayes Johnson (Saunders).

Index Entries

  • Adams, John; and Federalist Party search
  • Adams, John; J. Q. Adams to inherit papers of search
  • Adams, John; possible autobiography of search
  • Adams, John; relationship with T. Pickering search
  • Adams, John Quincy; and Republican Party search
  • Adams, John Quincy; to inherit papers of J. Adams search
  • An Act to establish the Judicial Courts of the United States (1789) search
  • Armstrong, John; review of W. Johnson’sSketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene search
  • Armstrong, John; Revolutionary War service of search
  • Brooks, John; Revolutionary War service of search
  • Constitution, U.S.; and federalism search
  • Constitution, U.S.; interpretation of search
  • Constitution, U.S.; TJ on search
  • Coolidge, Ellen Wayles Randolph (TJ’s granddaughter); greetings sent to search
  • Eustis, William; Revolutionary War service of search
  • Federalist party; defections from search
  • Federalist party; media of search
  • Greene, Nathanael; as general search
  • Hamilton, Alexander (1757–1804); and G. Washington’s Farewell Address search
  • Hamilton, Alexander (1757–1804); family of search
  • Hamilton, Alexander (1757–1804); proposed biography of search
  • Hamilton, Elizabeth Schuyler (Alexander Hamilton’s wife) search
  • Hopkinson, Joseph; and proposed biography of A. Hamilton search
  • Hopkinson, Joseph; family of search
  • House of Representatives, U.S.; Committee on the Judiciary search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; publication of papers search
  • Johnson, William (1771–1834); and G. Washington’s Farewell Address search
  • Johnson, William (1771–1834); and political parties search
  • Johnson, William (1771–1834); and proposed work on political parties search
  • Johnson, William (1771–1834); as Supreme Court justice search
  • Johnson, William (1771–1834); family of search
  • Johnson, William (1771–1834); letters from search
  • Johnson, William (1771–1834); Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene, Major General of the Armies of the United States search
  • Life of George Washington (J. Marshall); TJ on search
  • Marshall, John; and papers of G. Washington search
  • Marshall, John; Life of George Washington search
  • Mason, John Mitchell; proposed biography of A. Hamilton search
  • Morris, Gouverneur; and Newburgh conspiracy search
  • Pickering, Timothy; and J. Adams search
  • Pickering, Timothy; career of search
  • Pinkney, William; mentioned search
  • politics; W. Johnson on political parties search
  • Pope, Alexander; quoted search
  • Republican party; and defections from Federalist Party search
  • Republican party; historical work proposed from perspective of search
  • Republican party; principles of search
  • Revolutionary War; Newburgh conspiracy search
  • Saunders, Anna Hayes Johnson; friendship with E.W.R. Coolidge search
  • Sketches of the Life and Correspondence of Nathanael Greene, Major General of the Armies of the United States (W. Johnson) search
  • Sparks, Jared; and papers of G. Washington search
  • Stevenson, Andrew; as U.S. representative from Va. search
  • Supreme Court, U.S.; and jurisdiction of federal and state courts search
  • Supreme Court, U.S.; in session search
  • Supreme Court, U.S.; procedures of search
  • Supreme Court, U.S.; TJ on search
  • Washington, Bushrod; and papers of G. Washington search
  • Washington, George; as army commander search
  • Washington, George; Farewell Address search
  • Washington, George; papers of search