Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Frederick W. Hatch, [13 March 1823]

To Frederick W. Hatch

[13 Mar. 1823]

Dear Sir

I observe that a meeting of the inhabitants of Charlottesville is called on Satu[rday] on the subject of our proposn for [. . .] a circulating library by annual subscription.1 I shall not be able to attend it,2 but sollicit to become a member of the society on any scale they may chuse to adopt great or small.3 as our stock will be small it should be confined to the purchase of books of general instruction, in the English language, excluding Professional & sectarian books, that is to say those of Law Physic, & divinity and excluding Novels also. this may be an instrn to the Commee who may be appd to4 act as the Exve of the society. accept my wishes for the success of the proposition and the assurance of my high esteem and respect.


Dft (DLC: TJ Papers, 223:39945); on verso of portion of reused address cover to TJ; undated; mutilated; endorsed by TJ: “Hatch revd Mr Mar. 13. 23.”

1Preceding three words interlined.

2Word interlined, with caret mistakenly placed after the comma.

3Preceding three words interlined.

4Preceding three words interlined.

Index Entries

  • Albemarle Library Society; establishment of search
  • books; novels search
  • books; on medicine search
  • Charlottesville, Va.; libraries in search
  • Hatch, Frederick Winslow; and Albemarle Library Society search
  • Hatch, Frederick Winslow; letters to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Honors & Memberships; Albemarle Library Society, membership search
  • law; books on search
  • libraries; Albemarle Library Society search
  • medicine; books on search
  • religion; works on search
  • subscriptions, nonpublication; for Albemarle Library Society search