Thomas Jefferson Papers

Benjamin Tasker Dulany to Thomas Jefferson, 11 March 1823

From Benjamin Tasker Dulany

Bensfield March 11th 1823 chs County Maryland.

Respected Sir.

An unfortunate Man who is a total Stranger to you, but who is nevertheless acquainted with your Character and your worth, has prevail’d upon himself with much difficulty (and he fears it may be thought with much presumption) to solicit a Loan of $1000 on good Security for 12 Months. In making this entreaty he cannot but be aware that he shall create surprise, and perhaps suspicion,—He regrets it, they are unpleasant feelings; and he has no right to occasion them, sed, “Res dura, et conditionis novitas illum talia cogunt molimine„. Adversity has forced him to Solicit this Loan, and although he believes he entreats it from One1 of the best of Men, it is still coercion,—’tis the first pecuniary favour he ever askd though he has been for more than Ten years struggling agst the Storms of fate and reduced a debt of considerable magnitude to $1800—Comparatively small as this sum is such is the pressure of the Times that he cannot raise it in time to save his few remaining slaves from the persecution of his Creditors—, This never happened yet, it will be a new era in my life, to see my property sold by the sheriff to satisfy my Creditors who are not ignorant of my industrious efforts, nor of the misfortunes I have met with,—My Houses consumed by fire, and more than two thirds of my Blacks cut off by Death,—apprised as they are of my Losses what can I urge in my behalf that wd awaken their sympathy—? They also know that I have a number of children, and that I have a Son at this time a wandering maniac, a Youth of great promise at the time he was stationed at Pensacola where he became deranged—my expenses have not been small in endeavouring to restore this unfortunate Boy. The Subject has become painful & I feel too much agitated to trespass longer, I shall therefore conclude this Letter by assuring you that I am in distress, & that should you feel disposed to lend me succour yr Benevolence shall be requited not only by the gratitude and thanks of an unfortunate family, but by their promptitude in restoring the Loan.

With the highest consideration & respect I am Dr sir yr Obt servt

Benjn Taskr Dulany


My Character and my circumstances I believe (notwithstanding the retired life I have led) is known in the district of Columbia, Genl Jno Masson once knew me well, but I am now at the foot of Ladder & he is upon the summit.

RC (MHi); postscript written perpendicularly at foot of text; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esquire Monticello Virginia”; franked; postmarked Alexandria, 17 Mar.; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 4 Mar. 1823 from “Dulany Benj. Tascoe” received 23 Mar. 1823 and so recorded in SJL.

Benjamin Tasker Dulany (d. 1835) was the eldest child of Elizabeth French Dulany, who was a ward of George Washington when she married Dulany’s namesake father in 1773, after which the couple moved to Maryland. Dulany owned twenty-three slaves in Charles County, Maryland, in 1810, twenty-one a decade later, and seventeen in 1830. He died in Charles County (Benjamin Lewis Dulaney, Something About the Dulaney (Dulany) Family [(1921)], 42; Washington, Papers description begins W. W. Abbot and others, eds., The Papers of George Washington, 1983– , 69 vols.: Colonial Ser., 10 vols.  Confederation Ser., 6 vols.  Pres. Ser., 21 vols.  Retirement Ser., 4 vols.  Rev. War Ser., 28 vols. description ends , Colonial Ser., 9:178; DNA: RG 29, CS, Md., Charles Co., 1810–30; Alexandria Phenix Gazette, 12 Dec. 1826; Washington Daily National Intelligencer, 19 Oct. 1835).

sed is Latin for “but.” res dura, et conditionis novitas illum talia cogunt molimine (“Stern necessity and the rare circumstance force him to expend his effort on such things”) is a variant of “res dura et regni novitas me talia cogunt moliri” (“Stern necessity and the new estate of my kingdom force me to do such hard deeds”) from Virgil’s Aeneid, 1.563–4 (Fairclough, Virgil description begins Virgil, trans. H. Rushton Fairclough, Loeb Classical Library, 1916–18, rev. by G. P. Goold, 1999–2000, repr. 2002–06, 2 vols. description ends , 1:300–1).

1Manuscript: “Once.”

Index Entries

  • Dulany, Benjamin Tasker; family of search
  • Dulany, Benjamin Tasker; identified search
  • Dulany, Benjamin Tasker; letter from search
  • Dulany, Benjamin Tasker; requests loan from TJ search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loans requested from search
  • Mason, John (of Georgetown, D.C.); mentioned search
  • mental illness; of B. T. Dulany’s son search
  • slaves; death of search
  • slaves; sale of search
  • Virgil; B. T. Dulany quotes search