Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Jefferson to Peter Perpignan, 9 March 1823

To Peter Perpignan

Monticello Mar. 9. 23.

Th Jefferson returns his thanks to mr Perpignan for the miniature1 likeness of Genl Washington, which he has been so kind as to send him. it’s motto may truly be multum in parvo, as presenting the greatest man in the world2 within the smallest compass, and condensing within it the faithful expression of his countenance. Th:J. with his thanks requests mr Perpignan to accept his respectful salutations.

RC (CLjC, 2002); dateline at foot of text; addressed: “Mr Peter Perpignan Philadelphia”; franked; postmarked Charlottesville, 14 Mar. Dft (DLC); on verso of top half of reused address cover of John Griffiths to TJ, 13 Aug. 1821; undated; endorsed by TJ as a letter of 9 Mar. 1823.

1Word interlined in Dft.

2Reworked in Dft from “as giving us the greatest man who has ever lived.”

Index Entries

  • Perpignan, Peter; and miniature portrait of G. Washington search
  • Perpignan, Peter; letter to search
  • Washington, George; portraits of search