Thomas Jefferson Papers

Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s Agreement with Abia B. Thorn and Nathaniel Chamberlain for Rotunda Brickwork, 8 March 1823

Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s Agreement with Abia B. Thorn and Nathaniel Chamberlain for Rotunda Brickwork

We Arthur S Brockenbrough Proctor of the University of Virginia on the one part and Abiah B Thorn and Nathaniel Chamberlain on the other part, do hereby enter into the following articles of agreement—Witnesseth, that the said Brockenbrough as Proctor of the University of Va doth agree to let the said Thorn and Chamberlain have the laying of the bricks of the Rotunda, the said Brockenbrough doth further agree to furnish the bricks, lime, Sand and scaffolding at the expence of the University of Va all of which is to be delivered at convenient distances from the building—

The said Thorn and Chamberlain doth agree on their part to have the work done in the following manner, viz they are not to put in the wall any samel bricks, nor to use more than one bat to five whole bricks, the bricks to be layed in what is called flemish bond that is a header & Stretcher1 alternately, the walls to be solidly grouted from bottom to Top and in every course if deemed necessary by the Proctor with cement of a fourth lime and three fourths good pure sand, for the outside work the mortar to be made of a third lime and two thirds good sharp sand—The outside bricks to be of the best rubed stretchers and equal in quality and regular colour to the fronts of the Pavilions No 2 and 4 the Walls in all cases are to be run perfectly plum and true, under the penalty of being taken down and put up correctly by other persons at the expence of the said Thorn and Chamberlain if they object to doing it themselves and the waist of materials by said alteration to be charged to them—the carpenters to have the right to examine into the correctness of the work as it goes on and to notify the Proctor if any thing be going on wrong in time for correction—but if any alteration is deemed necessary in any part of the brick work executed agreeable to the instructions of the carpenter or Proctor, then the said Thorn & Chamberlain is to be paid the full value of such alteration agreeable the prices of the other work—the said Thorn & Chamberlain is to put up all the necessary scaffolding for their work in a good & substancial manner which is to remain for the use of the Carpenters—they are to find the labourers to make up the mortar and attend the brick layers—for the brick-work executed faithfully and agreeable to the foregoing Memoranda, the aforesaid A. S Brockenbrough Proctor will pay unto the said Thorn & Chamberlain as the work progresses two dollars and seventy five cents for every2 thousand bricks in the said building measured as heretofore at this place that is3 with one half of the openings deducted from the solid contents—it is understood by the contracting parties that none but experienced and compitent workmen are to be employed in laying the bricks of this building—Witness our hands & seals this 8h day of    March One thousand eight hundred & twenty three—4

A. S. Brockenbrough Proctor
 of the University of Va
} {Seal}
   A B Thorn {Seal}
  Nathl Chamberlain

A. S. Brockenbrough Proctor of the University of Va and A. B Thorn do hereby agree to the following articles Viz—The said Thorn is to superintend the making and burning the bricks for the Rotunda from the commencement of the making to the end at the rate of fifty dollars per month to see them properly killed & burned and before hand give the necessary instructions for the preperation of the yard witness our hands this 8th day of March—1823

A. S. Brockenbrough Proctor
  A B Thorn

MS (ViU: PP); written on a sheet folded to form four pages, with agreement with Thorn and Chamberlain on pp. 1–2, second agreement with Thorn on p. 3, and docket by Brockenbrough on p. 4 reading “Contract of A. S. Brockenbrough Proctor with Thorn & Chamberlain for Laying Brick of the Rotunda”; in Brockenbrough’s hand, signed by Brockenbrough, Thorn, and Chamberlain. Enclosed in TJ to Brockenbrough, 12 Mar. 1823.

Abia B. Thorn (1795–ca. 1835), brick mason, was born in Burlington, New Jersey. He was among the Philadelphia workmen recruited in 1819 to build the University of Virginia, and TJ praised his brickwork on the Rotunda when he left Charlottesville five years later. By 1825 Thorn worked as a bricklayer in New York City, and two years later he became a member of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York. Thorn likely died in New York, where his wife remained after his death (PSC-Hi: Chesterfield Monthly Meeting Records; note to University of Virginia Workmen to TJ, 9 Feb. 1820; TJ’s Recommendation of Thorn, 25 Sept. 1824; Longworth’s New York Directory description begins Longworth’s American Almanac, New-York Register, and City Directory, New York, 1796–1842 (title varies; cited by year of publication) description ends [1825]: 415; [1835]: 645; [1836]: 654; Thomas Earle and Charles T. Congdon, eds., Annals of the General Society of Mechanics and Tradesmen of the City of New-York, from 1785 to 1880 [1882], 413).

Nathaniel Chamberlain (1784–1848), brick mason, was a native of Salem, Massachusetts. He worked in Philadelphia before going to Charlottesville, where he did brickwork for the University of Virginia Rotunda, 1823–25. In the latter year Chamberlain considered moving to New York, but he was still in Albemarle County at the beginning of 1827. He returned to Salem by 1834, and in 1846 he became the superintendent overseeing construction of the Beacon Hill Reservoir in Boston. Chamberlain died on a visit to Albemarle (Brockenbrough to TJ, [received 19 Dec. 1822], and 21 Jan. 1825; petition of Albemarle Co. citizens to the General Assembly of Virginia, 17 Jan. 1827 [Vi: RG 78, Legislative Petitions, Albemarle Co.]; Memorial of Citizens of Salem, Massachusetts, In relation to the Currency. April 14, 1834 [23d Cong., 1st sess., Executive Documents, no. 327], 9; History of the Introduction of Pure Water into the City of Boston [1868], 101; Boston Daily Atlas, 11 Mar. 1848; Albemarle Co. Will Book, 18:406; gravestone inscription in Lewis-Clarkson family graveyard, Albemarle Co.).

sharp sand is “hard, angular, gritty” (OED description begins James A. H. Murray, J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner, and others, eds., The Oxford English Dictionary, 2d ed., 1989, 20 vols. description ends ). A rubbed (rubed) brick is “a soft clay brick with a smooth polished surface, chiefly used for ornamental and high-quality brickwork” (OED description begins James A. H. Murray, J. A. Simpson, E. S. C. Weiner, and others, eds., The Oxford English Dictionary, 2d ed., 1989, 20 vols. description ends ). killed: “kilned.”

In an undated proposal made prior to this agreement, Thorn and Chamberlain offered to do the Rotunda’s stonework, laying the stone and grouting the walls at a rate of 75 cents per perch, with the stone, lime, and sand provided by the university. They would perform the brickwork, laying and grouting the walls for $2.75 per thousand bricks, with the bricks, lime, and sand also supplied to them. Thorn and Chamberlain would also furnish the laborers and attendants and raise the scaffolding. In a subjoined proposal, for an additional $50 per month Thorn offered to oversee the requisite brick making and provide the necessary instructions for preparing the yard (MS in ViU: PP; in an unidentified hand, signed by Thorn on behalf of himself and Chamberlain; endorsed by Brockenbrough: “Proposals of Thorn & Chamberlain”).

1Manuscript: “Strecher.”

2Preceding two words interlined in place of “per.”

3Preceding two words interlined.

4Text from “Witness” to this point in a different ink.

Index Entries

  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; agreement with A. B. Thorn and N. Chamberlain search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; as University of Virginia proctor search
  • building materials; bricks search
  • building materials; cement search
  • building materials; lime (mineral) search
  • building materials; sand search
  • building materials; stone search
  • Chamberlain, Nathaniel; and stonework for University of Virginia search
  • Chamberlain, Nathaniel; Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s Agreement with Abia B. Thorn and Nathaniel Chamberlain for Brickwork for the University of Virginia Rotunda search
  • Chamberlain, Nathaniel; as brick mason for University of Virginia search
  • Chamberlain, Nathaniel; identified search
  • lime (mineral); as building material search
  • sand search
  • Thorn, Abia B.; and stonework for University of Virginia search
  • Thorn, Abia B.; Arthur S. Brockenbrough’s Agreement with Abia B. Thorn and Nathaniel Chamberlain for Brickwork for the University of Virginia Rotunda search
  • Thorn, Abia B.; as brick mason for University of Virginia search
  • Thorn, Abia B.; identified search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; brick makers and brick masons at search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; building materials for search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; carpenters and joiners for search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Pavilion II search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Pavilion IV search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; Rotunda (library) search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; stonemasons at search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; wages for workmen search
  • Virginia, University of; Construction and Grounds; walls and fences at search