Thomas Jefferson Papers

Thomas Law to Thomas Jefferson, 7 March 1823

From Thomas Law

March 7th 1823—

[D]ear Sir.

Permit me to introduce to You Capn Chapman an accomplished British officer the nephew of an old East India friend—

I have been deprived of my only daughter & of my son John & my only son Edmund has been much afflicted with a rheumatism which I feared would leave me fatherless—these successive blows & the severity of the winter have much affected my nerves—Could I see a Nl Cy established & manufactures promoted, and Canals made, & a System introduced to check the rapid encrease of slaves to the South, who may be aided by Hayti & Cuba to the West & the motley Crew West of the Sabine, I could lay down in peace—I have a plan long considered to accomplish the latter important object, but there is too much warmth on this subject for calm discussion—

If my health permits I will if I do not go to England have the great satisfaction of seeing you in health, I join in the common lamentation that your useful hands are so weakened

I remain With much respect & Esteem

Thos Law

RC (DLC); corner torn; dateline at foot of text; endorsed by TJ as received 17 Apr. 1823 “by Capt Cha[pman]” and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to John Hollins, 1 Jan. 1824, on verso; addressed: “To Thomas Jefferson Esqr Montecello Virginia Favour’d by Capn Chapman.”

Law’s daughter, Eliza Rogers, died in August 1822, and his son john Law passed away two months later (Rogers’s gravestone inscription in Rogers-Buchanan family cemetery, Baltimore, Md.; Washington Daily National Intelligencer, 7 Oct. 1822). nl cy: “National Currency.”

Index Entries

  • canals; in U.S. search
  • Chapman, John James; introduced to TJ search
  • Cuba; and African Americans search
  • East India Company search
  • Haiti, Republic of; blacks in search
  • health; rheumatism search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; letters of introduction to search
  • Jefferson, Thomas; Health; wrist injury search
  • Law, Edmund; health of search
  • Law, John (d.1822) search
  • Law, Thomas; family of search
  • Law, Thomas; introduces J. J. Chapman to TJ search
  • Law, Thomas; letters from search
  • Law, Thomas; promoting domestic interests search
  • rheumatism; E. Law’s search
  • Rogers, Eliza (Thomas Law’s daughter) search
  • Sabine River search
  • slaves; potential insurrection of search
  • United States; future of considered search
  • weather; effect on health search