Thomas Jefferson to Archibald Robertson, 27 February 1823
To Archibald Robertson
Monto Feb. 27. 23.
Dear Sir
I now inclose you my bond as requested. the account had crept up considerably beyond my expectn. on examination however I find1 right what is within my own knolege, and what is not, is probable and I presume right. I hope my crop in Bedford this year will enable me to do there more than heretofore,2 and will assure you that it shall not become a lingering matter. Accept the assurance of my esteem & respect
Dft (MHi); on verso of left half of reused address cover of James Madison to TJ, 10 Nov. 1821; endorsed by TJ as as letter to “Robertson Archbd.”
On this date TJ recorded his execution of the enclosed bond, not found, which was “for 1918.85 D. with int. from July 31. 1822. for store acct.” ( , 2:1393).
1. TJ here canceled “it.”
2. Word interlined in place of “I have been able.”