Enclosure: Thomas Jefferson’s Conveyance of Bear Branch Land to Thomas Jefferson Randolph, 20 February 1823
Thomas Jefferson’s Conveyance of Bear Branch Land to Thomas Jefferson Randolph
This Indenture made on the 20th day of Febuary 1823 between Thomas Jefferson of Albemarle on the one part & Thomas Jefferson Randolph of the same County on the other Part Witnesseth that the said Thomas Jefferson & Martha his wife deceased were during her life and in her right seized and possesed of a certain tract of land in Bedford County called the Poplar Forest containing by Patent 4000 acres and being so seised and possesed it was agreed and settled by deed intended duly executed and recorded by the said Thomas and Martha his Wife that if the said Thomas should survive the said Martha he should have full power and authority to convey the whole of the said lands or any part thereof to such of the issue of the said Martha by the said Thomas in such parts or proportions and for such estate & estates & in such sort manner & form1 and subject to such conditions limitations restrictions and power of revocation as he the said Thomas from time to time by deed or will should deem meet and good that the said Thomas Jefferson Randolph is the grandson of the said Thomas Jefferson and of Martha his wife by Martha Randolph their daughter and that the said Thos Jefferson by Virtue of the powers and authoritiees Vested in him as aforesaid and for the sum of one dollar to him in hand paid and other good considerations him hereunto moving doth give grant bargain sell and convey to the said Thomas Jefferson Randolph all that portion of the said tract of land called the poplar forest which is contained within the following lines To Wit Begining at a Hiccory sapling marked as a corner on the Western side of the public road and of Bear Branch 5 poles and 10 links from an ash on the Branch and at a place called the double Branches and running thence N. 38° E 12 poles 17 links N. 2 E. 14 pole 202 links N. 66 E. 14 po. 3 links. N. 28. E. 26 poles 11 links Bear Branch distant 3 pole 20 links. N. 54. E. 24 po 24 links Bear Branch distant 2 pols 20 links N. 22 E 11 pole 22 links to a Branch Bear Cr being distant 8 poles N. 25 E. 17 po 15 links Bear Cr distant 6 po. N. 84½ E. 6 po 20 links Bear Cr distant 2. 20. N. 30½ E. 23 po 5 links Bear Cr dst 4 po 20 links N. 5 W.3 15 po 5 links Bear Cr dist 6 po N. 34. E 16 poles to a branch same course 11 pole 15 links Bear Cr dist 9 po N. 47 E. 18 poles 15 links Bear Cr dist 3 po 3 links No. 29½ E 20 pols to a remarkable point of rock within 2 pols of a Branch from the west & 8 Po from Bear Cr N. 69 [E.]4 10 po 20 links Bear Cr. dist 3 pols 5 links N. 59 E. 14 pole 20 links Bear Cr dist 2 po N. 36½ E. 12 pols 20 links Bear Cr dist 10 pols N. 71½ E. 20 po 3 links Bear Cr dist 1 pole 5 links N. 2½ W. 10 po 20 links Bear Cr dist 1 po 5 links N. 24. E. 14 po 4 links Bear Cr dist 4 po N 8 W 15 poles Bear Cr distant 2 poles N. 40 E. 11 po 5 links Bear Cr dist 4 po 10 links S. 85 E 9 po 5 links to a large poplar in the woods on the Eastearn Edge of Bear Branch. which courses from the hicory aforesaid on the publick road to the said poplar are marked by trees wherever they occured on the courses are always on the western side of Bear Cr and are in their general course parralell with it leaving room for a road on firm ground between them and the branch Then running from the said poplar S. 85 E 18 po N. 43½ E. 62 Po S 80 E 52 po to where Gill5 corners with the lands of the said Thomas purchased from Robinson in the antient Poplar forest line thence along the said line N 28½ W 50 po S 77 W 80 po along the said poplar forest line to Bear Branch and the same last course continued on the same line S 77 W 252 po and still along the poplar forest line S 65 E 164 po to the line of that parcel of the said Poplar forest tract which the said Thomas Jefferson heretofore conveyed to Martha Randolph before mentioned daughter of the said Thomas & Martha Jefferson as an advancement on her marriage with Thomas Mann Randolph her present husband and along the said line across the said poplar forest tract to the intersection of the two poplar forest lines S 53½ W 40 po & N 65 W 31 po and from that intersection S 65 E 70 po S 21 E 73 po S 10 E 11 poles S 35 E 19¼ thence new lines n 26 E 200 po to the same public road first mentioned and thence along the said Public road S 85½ E 65 p 5 l to the hiccory at the Begining within which boundaries are contained by estimation nine hundred and sixty two acres be the same more or less To Have and To hold the said parcel of land with its appurtenances to him the said Thomas J. Randolph and his heirs and the said Thomas Jefferson his heirs Exors and admrs the said parcel of land with its appurtenances to him the said Thomas J. Randolph and his heirs will forever warrant and defend In Witness whereof the said Thomas Jefferson hath hereto set his hand and seal on the day and year above Written
Th: Jefferson {Seal}
Sealed signed & delivd in Presence of |
Martin Dawson |
John Watson |
James R. Watson |
Albemarle County to Wit
We John Watson and Martin Dawson Justices of the peace in the County aforesaid in the state of Virginia do hereby certify that Thomas Jefferson a party to a certain deed bearing date the 20th day of Febuary 1823 and hereto annexed personally appeared before us in our County aforesaid and acknowledged the same to be his6 act and deed and desired us to certify the said acknowledgement to the Clerk of the County Court of Bedford in order that the said deed may be Recorded Given under our hands and seals7 this 26th day of Febuary 1823
John Watson {Seal} |
Martin Dawson {Seal} |
Tr (Bedford Co. Deed Book, 18:20–1).
cbc: “Clerk of Bedford County.”
1. Manuscript: “from.”
2. Conveyance of Bear Branch Land from Thomas Jefferson Randolph and Jane H. Nicholas Randolph to William Radford and Joel Yancey, 21 Feb. 1823 (see note to covering letter): “21.”
3. Tr: “N. SW.” Conveyance from Thomas and Jane Randolph: “N. 5 W.”
4. Word, ink stained, supplied from Conveyance from Thomas and Jane Randolph.
5. Tr: “Bill.” Conveyance from Thomas and Jane Randolph: “Gill” (i.e., John Gill, of Bedford County).
6. Manuscript: “her.”
7. Manuscript: “sals.”
Index Entries
- Bear Creek plantation (part of TJ’s Poplar Forest estate); land conveyance at search
- Dawson, Martin; witnesses documents search
- Gill, John (of Bedford Co.); and Bear Creek lands search
- Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton (TJ’s wife); dowry of search
- Jefferson, Martha Wayles Skelton (TJ’s wife); family of search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Writings; Conveyance of Bear Branch Land to Thomas Jefferson Randolph search
- Randolph, Martha Jefferson (Patsy; TJ’s daughter; Thomas Mann Randolph’s wife); and Bedford Co. land search
- Randolph, Martha Jefferson (Patsy; TJ’s daughter; Thomas Mann Randolph’s wife); children of search
- Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); and Bedford Co. land search
- Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); TJ conveys land to search
- Randolph, Thomas Mann (1768–1828) (TJ’s son-in-law; Martha Jefferson Randolph’s husband); and Bedford Co. land search
- roads; in Bedford Co. search
- Robertson (Robinson), John (Bedford Co. landholder); land patented by search
- Steptoe, James; clerk of Bedford Co. search
- trees; ash search
- trees; hickory search
- trees; poplar search
- Watson, James Richard; witnesses documents search
- Watson, John (1760–1841); witnesses documents search