Thomas Jefferson to Robert Mayo and William A. Bartow, 3 February 1823
To Robert Mayo and William A. Bartow
Monto Feb. 3. 23.
I did not answer the note in the pamphlet you were so kind as to send me1 for 2. reasons. 1. because the use of my hand is so much impaired, and I write with so much pain that I am obliged to decline answering any lre which is not of the most indispensible urgency & oblign. 2. because I have never permitted myself to assume the office of recommendg to the public particular books or institutions, or to advise what they should read, or what instns establish. least of all is it necessary2 on your proposn for a circulating library. the establmt of such libraries in every town is so favorable to3 the general instrn, furnishes4 so salutary an employment of spare hours & inducement to pass them at home, and brings the use of books so much within the means of every one that there cannot be two opns on their advge,5 but of all this the public have the right and the understdg to judge for themselves without admonns from me as unauthorised as unnecessary. accept the assurce of my respect
Dft (MHi); at foot of text of RC of Mayo and Bartow to TJ, 27 Jan. 1823.
1. Preceding eight words interlined.
2. Reworked from “all could it be necessary.”
3. Preceding two words interlined in place of “<important to> promotive of.”
4. Word interlined.
5. Based on Mayo’s quotation of this passage in his 24 Apr. 1823 reply, TJ may have substituted “utility” for this word in the missing RC. TJ here canceled “of such instns.”
Index Entries
- Bartow, William Augustus; and Juvenile Library Company of Richmond search
- Bartow, William Augustus; letter to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; recommends books search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; fatiguing or painful to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Opinions on; circulating libraries search
- Juvenile Library Company of Richmond search
- libraries; Juvenile Library Company of Richmond search
- Mayo, Robert; and Juvenile Library Company of Richmond search
- Mayo, Robert; letter to search
- Richmond, Va.; libraries in search