Samuel Smith (of Maryland) to Thomas Jefferson, 1 February 1823
From Samuel Smith (of Maryland)
Washn 1 feby 1823
Dr sir
You will have seen the late nominations to south America and Spain—The opinion of the senate was—that those to Buenos Ayres, Chili and Peru, ought to have been deferred until they had sent their ministers, that ample time had been given them, and their not having accepted the invitation given by our recognition was an indication that a diplomatic intercourse was not desired by them, but it was thought that the law of the last session appropriating $100.000 Concluded the senate; and all except Peru, had been Consented to—There is some difficulty as to Mr Prevost for Peru, something personal, what I do not know—I believe that our navy Officers do not think, that his Conduct has been Correct.
The appointment to Spain has astonished some—it may be right—and he may make a good Minister. I hope he will—But—In fact my Dear sir, I am tired with this kind of people we find abroad—Not one worth a button, except Gallatin, and he has such a Character for Cunning, that the French avoid having much to do with him—We have assented to the Convention with France, bad as it is. and it Could not have been much worse, it is better than Commercial Warfare—On that ground I Voted for it—It has but one good trait in it—That, in 5½ years all discriminating duties Cease—unless One or the other notify to the contrary, neither will, for both are tired of the controversy—our imports from France are increasing, and will continue to increase, which will be a Caution to her, and our Enterprize is such, that I rely upon it, to prevent us from annulling the bargain—
Our finances are good, and fully justify the Report made by the Com: of Ws & Means, for which I was ridiculed, and laughed at. We shall (if not destroyed by the friends of manufactures) have a surplus in 1825 equal to the demand, that the Commissioners of the sinking fund will have a legal right to make on us—To what is this owing? I answer, to the judicious retrenchments made in the public expenditures for the years 1820. 1821 and 1822. Am’ting to five millions—which the President admits in his message have done no injury to the publick service. he does not say so, in so many words, but in justice to Congress he ought So to have said—but he says—That we are in good Order—and by accompanying it with Certain documents not usual, he seems to imply that this good condition is due to his Secretaries, when we know, that some of them opposed the retrenchments to the utmost of their power, and that no saving was recommended by them, and that every deduction made was like drawing their teeth—I am now 70 years of Age and may be excused for telling a Story twice, if I do—I am sure you will excuse it—
Early in the last session I waited on the President—I told him, that I Called on him to have a frank conversation, and to explain to him the Course I had pursued, and meant to pursue, to wit—To bring the expenditures within our means, that in doing So, my intentions were of the most friendly kind towards him, that I considered myself as the best friend he had—that I did not know what his Ideas were on the subject, that I knew that my Conduct was considered by some of his Admon as hostile, and perhaps he might be of the same Opinion—and therefore I wished to explain myself freely and frankly—He bowed—and I proceeded to say—That when I became Chairman of the W & M. I found that for the service of the year 1820. A loan would be required of five millions—that loans in time of Peace were obnoxious,—That on a Careful examination of the Estimates, I found that retrenchments might be made without injury to the public service, that I made as many as amounted to $2.250.000—That in 1821. The secy had reported the necessity of a loan of $ Seven million for the service of that year—that on a close enquiry I found that further deductions from the Estimates might be made to the amot of $2.200.000, and they were made and a loan was granted for five millions—and now sir said I—Has any of the publick institutions suffered? No sir, none—was the answer—Then sir I have served the nation, and have subserved your interest as its Chief magistrate—for had I not made those salutary retrenchments, you must now have asked for another loan of five million which would have prostrated your administration,—my Object has been to1 make your Admon quoted as that of Mr Jefferson, and I shall succeed—you will leave the government with a full treasury—whereas but the Efforts I have made (and for which I am Censured) you would have gone out leaving a treasury of empty boxes—He then said—No One has a right to Censure you, you deserve the thanks of your Country, and have acted the part of an honest independent servant of the publick—
We parted—and during the session he sent a long injudicious message about fortifying Dauphin Island, which was referred to the Committee of military Affairs, who in their report exposed the folly of Erecting a fort to Contain 108 Guns, for the preventing an Enemy from entering Mobile Bay, by a pass where there was Confessedly but Nine feet, in such a View that not one man in either House (not even Hugh Nelson) would expose himself to the ridicule of the House—by moving an appropriation—Mr Adams and Mr Crawford were agt sending the Message, but they were overruled by the superior influence of Mr Calhoun—
you will pardon me for the details I have ventured to give you—and will I trust believe, that you have no friend more devoted than is
S. Smith
RC (DLC); at foot text: “Thomas Jefferson”; endorsed by TJ as received 8 Feb. 1823 and so recorded in SJL.
The Washington Daily National Intelligencer of 28 Jan. 1823 announced the appointment and confirmation of several of the late nominations to south america, including Caesar A. Rodney to be minister plenipotentiary to buenos ayres and Herman Allen to the same role in chili. The law of the last session appropriating $100.000 was “An Act making an appropriation to defray the expenses of missions to the independent nations of the American continent,” passed 4 May 1822 ( , 3:678). President James Monroe nominated John B. prevost to serve as chargé d’affaires in Peru, but the nomination was later postponed and ultimately withdrawn ( , 3:320, 327, 340 [13, 27 Jan., 3 Mar. 1823]). Hugh Nelson received the appointment to spain as minister plenipotentiary.
For the convention with france, see TJ to Albert Gallatin, 29 Oct. 1822, and note. Smith and other members of the Senate voted to ratify the treaty of navigation and commerce on 31 Jan. 1823 ( , 3:330). the report made by the com: of ws & means (i.e., Committee on Ways and Means) was presented to the United States House of Representatives on 30 Apr. 1822 (, 3:807–12). For the failure of Monroe’s effort to obtain funds to fortify , Financedauphin island, Alabama, see Smith to TJ, 13 May 1822, and note.
1. Smith here canceled “serve.”
Index Entries
- Adams, John Quincy; as secretary of state search
- Allen, Herman; as U.S. minister plenipotentiary to Chile search
- An Act making an appropriation to defray the expenses of missions to the independent nations of the American continent (1822) search
- Argentina; U.S. minister to search
- Buenos Aires; U.S. minister plenipotentiary at search
- Calhoun, John Caldwell; as secretary of war search
- Chile; U.S. minister to search
- Congress, U.S.; mentioned search
- Crawford, William Harris; as secretary of the treasury search
- Dauphin Island, Ala.; fortifications on search
- France; and commerce search
- France; and U.S. search
- Gallatin, Albert; as minister plenipotentiary to France search
- Gallatin, Albert; negative opinions of search
- House of Representatives, U.S.; debates in search
- House of Representatives, U.S.; Military Affairs Committee search
- House of Representatives, U.S.; reports to search
- House of Representatives, U.S.; Ways and Means Committee search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Public Service; as president search
- Monroe, James; and appointments search
- Monroe, James; cabinet of search
- Monroe, James; presidency of search
- National Intelligencer (Washington newspaper); prints congressional proceedings search
- Nelson, Hugh; as U.S. representative from Va. search
- Peru; U.S. chargé d’affaires in search
- Prevost, John B. search
- Rodney, Caesar Augustus; as minister plenipotentiary to Argentina search
- Senate, U.S.; and appointments search
- Senate, U.S.; and ratification of treaties search
- Smith, Samuel (of Maryland); as chairman of Ways and Means Committee search
- Smith, Samuel (of Maryland); as U.S. senator search
- Smith, Samuel (of Maryland); letters from search
- South America; and U.S. search
- Spain; U.S. minister to search
- Treasury Department, U.S.; and public debt search