William Canby to Thomas Jefferson, 6 January 1823
From William Canby
6th of 1mo 1823—
Esteemed friend Thomas Jefferson,
I lately saw the commn between thee & John Adams (as in the News paper) with som satisfaction, having often had som, in comparing Notes with particularly one cotemporary, Respecting the progressive decay of this body & its Mind, curiously different in degree, yet going on toward dissolution, but how is it with us, with respect to an increasing degree of a divine intimacy, or communion; I am often made thoughtful on this Account, sencible that as from a Child I had som belief in divine direction, or Inspiration, held forth for perfecting those who obey’d its call or injunction, by its Rising above, & Ruling over. & subjecting the more Natural Spirit, in the time of its dominion; (making it clear that the information of the more Natural spirit is about the things of time, in which its a mark of good, to act well—however I am often sencible, I have not com up to the mark) & as to the outward, weaknes of Mind it is perhaps som excuse, but as to defect as to inward direction, I must look to that divine Mercy, wh I think far exceeds what Man is capable of, I am also corrected by feeling the power of the Church Militant in our Society, as having a power of Judging (where we have been lazy, & slo in advancing in the highway toward holines in the present time, &1 that almost without, or with very little Verbal or written declaration) now wishing thy advance toward that more perfect state above hinted at I bid farewel;—
Wm Canby
NB. a friend who handed me the account, or paper contg thy letter, noted thy being further disabled (by Acct) from writing, by a broken wrist bone, & tho’ we may sympathize with a friend on such trial, its said all things shall work for good, to those who love God—
RC (MHi); dateline adjacent to signature; addressed (trimmed): “[. . .] of North America”; endorsed by TJ as received 17 Jan. 1823 and so recorded in SJL.
The commn between thee & john adams was TJ to Adams, 1 June 1822. acct: “accident.” all things shall work for good, to those who love god, is from the Bible, Romans 8.28.
1. Superfluous opening parenthesis preceding this word editorially omitted.
Index Entries
- Adams, John; correspondence of published search
- aging; W. Canby on search
- Bible; Romans referenced search
- Canby, William; and TJ’s health search
- Canby, William; letters from search
- Canby, William; religious beliefs of search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; publication of papers search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Health; broken arm search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Health; injured in fall search
- religion; W. Canby on search