William T. Barry to Thomas Jefferson, 24 December 1822
From William T. Barry
Lexington 24th Decr 1822
I do myself the honour to enclose you by this mail the Report of the Commissioners appointed by the Legislature of Kentucky upon the subject of Common Schools—It was made at too late a period of the Session to be acted on; it will be considered at the next Session, and it is expected that the plan suggested in substance will be carried into execution.
We have heard with regret of the accident that has happened to you by a fall from the step of your door, but are at the same time consoled with the information that no serious consequences are apprehended—That you may speedily recover & enjoy much happiness is the wish of all of us, and especially of one who is proud of the occasion to subscribe himself
W. T. Barry.
RC (DLC); at foot of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello”; endorsed by TJ as received 12 Jan. 1823 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure: .
Barry and his fellow commissioners, David R. Murray, John R. Witherspoon, and John Pope, were appointed to “digest a plan of schools of common education, suited to the condition of this state” under the terms of an 18 Dec. 1821 act to establish a literary fund (A Digest of the Statute Law of Kentucky: being a collection of all the Acts of the General Assembly … From the Commencement of the Government to May Session 1822 … [Frankfort, 1822], 871–2). In the enclosed report, which was presented to the Kentucky Senate on 30 Nov. and to the House of Representatives on 2 Dec. 1822, the commissioners called for the establishment of a system of public schools supported by a combination of public and private funds. The select committee of the House of Representatives appointed to review this report was chaired by George Robertson, who delivered its conclusions on 7 Dec. 1822. The committee endorsed the goal of providing common schools that would teach both wealthy and poor children, but it could not settle on a plan to be carried into execution. It instead recommended publication and dissemination of the report for consideration by the public (Journal of the House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Kentucky [1822 sess.], 225–48, 253–83, 327–32 [2, 7 Dec. 1822]; Journal of the Senate of the Commonwealth of Kentucky [1822 sess.], 163–86, 189–219, 267–8 [30 Nov., 2, 7 Dec. 1822]).
Index Entries
- Barry, William Taylor; and report on public education in Ky. search
- Barry, William Taylor; and TJ’s health search
- Barry, William Taylor; letter from search
- education; in Ky. search
- education; of the poor search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Health; broken arm search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Health; injured in fall search
- Kentucky; education in search
- Kentucky; legislature of search
- Murray, David R.; and public education in Ky. search
- Pope, John; and public education in Ky. search
- Report of the Commissioners appointed by the General Assembly of Kentucky, at their October session 1821, to collect information, prepare and report a System of Common Schools. Together with the Report of the Select Committee in the House of Representatives, thereon search
- Robertson, George; in Ky. legislature search
- Witherspoon, John Ramsey; and public education in Ky. search