Thomas Jefferson Papers

John H. Cocke’s Certification of Nelson Barksdale’s Accounts as University of Virginia Proctor, 23 November 1822, document 3 in a group of documents on the Inspection and Settlement of the Accounts of Central College and University of Virginia, 23 November 1822

III. John H. Cocke’s Certification of Nelson Barksdale’s Accounts as University of Virginia Proctor

In obedience to a resolution of the Board of Visitors of the University of Virginia, of       , I have examined the aforegoing account of Nelson Barksdale, Proctor of the University of Virginia, and find the items on the credit side of the account marked C, supported by the proper vouchers, which said vouchers are filed with the vouchers of the Central College, in the office of the Proctor of the University of Virginia. The items in the said account not marked per list marked B, amounting to $4,125 50, there are no vouchers filed in the said office for:—but legal vouchers for those last mentioned items are in the office of Alexander Garrett, Bursar to the University of Virginia, the same being the Bursar’s vouchers also, and, therefore, detained by him. The debit and credit of this account is carried into the account of A. S. Brockenbrough, Proctor of the University of Virginia, page this book 234. A report to the same effect of this is made on the account current book of the Proctor of the University of Virginia, in which said account current book the funds on which the Proctor’s drafts were drawn as they came into hand, are not entered on that book, but added at the close of that account, and producing the same result as this book. U. of Va. 23d November, 1822.



Printed in Report and Documents for 1822 description begins Report and Documents respecting the University of Virginia, Richmond, 1823, containing a 7 Oct. 1822 report by the Board of Visitors and supporting documents description ends , 24. Enclosed in TJ to James Pleasants, 23 Dec. 1822.

Index Entries

  • Barksdale, Nelson; as Central College proctor search
  • Barksdale, Nelson; as University of Virginia proctor search
  • Brockenbrough, Arthur Spicer; as University of Virginia proctor search
  • Central College; inspection and settlement of accounts of search
  • Garrett, Alexander; as University of Virginia bursar search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; accounts of search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; inspection and settlement of accounts of search
  • Virginia, University of; Administration and Financial Affairs; John H. Cocke’s Certification of Nelson Barksdale’s Accounts as University of Virginia Proctor search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; and funds of University of Virginia search
  • Virginia, University of; Board of Visitors; reviews financial accounts search