Nelson Nicholas to Thomas Jefferson, 6 November 1822
From Nelson Nicholas
Lexington Nov. 6th 1822.
Enclosed you will find some free commentaries,1 on certain political principles which you have inculcated, which I have submitted to the consideration of the people of Kentucky. Much mischief has been occasioned here by your letters to Jarvis & to William T. Barry, the latter of which, though it has never been printed, has been extensively published, & has been the more influential in our controversies, because its private character has precluded those public commentaries necessary to expose the improper uses which have been made of, & the unwarrantable conclusions which have been drawn from it. I trust, sir, that I have not been guilty of misrepresenting your sentiments, & that you will not feel disposed to censure me for the use which I have made of your name, to arrest the mad career of my country, to expose the artifices of the demagogues who have betrayed her to ruin & disgrace, & to restore the ascendancy of, what I consider, sound & honest principles.
Nelson Nicholas.
RC (DLC); endorsed by TJ as received 23 Dec. 1822 and so recorded in SJL. Enclosure not found.
Nelson Nicholas (d. 1826), journalist, was a nephew of Wilson Cary Nicholas. He attended the College of William and Mary, 1811–12. Late in the latter year Nicholas was living in Lexington, Kentucky, where in 1821 he issued a prospectus for a proposed newspaper, the Political Censor. In 1825 he sucessfully launched the Kentucky Whig, which he published until his death near Lexington ( , 30; , Pres. Ser., 5:255–7; , 2:714, 4:642; Shawneetown Illinois Gazette, 21 Apr. 1821; Louisville Public Advertiser, 11 June 1825; Lexington Kentucky Whig, 13 July 1826).
TJ’s letters to William Charles jarvis and william t. barry were dated 28 Sept. 1820 and 2 July 1822, respectively.
1. Manuscript: “commentatries.”
Index Entries
- Barry, William Taylor; letter to, from TJ referenced search
- Jarvis, William Charles; letter from TJ referenced search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Books & Library; works sent to search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Correspondence; publication of papers search
- Nicholas, Nelson; identified search
- Nicholas, Nelson; letter from search
- Nicholas, Nelson; sends political commentaries to TJ search