Dabney C. Terrell to Thomas Jefferson, 25 October 1822
From Dabney C. Terrell
Louisville. Oct. 25th ’22
Dear Sir
I received but yesterday your letter of the 28th of Aug. with the inclosed papers; supposing you must feel anxious from the length of time they have been on the road, I hasten to inform you of their safe arrival. I hope Sir, it is needless to say that it affords me the greatest satisfaction to have it in my power to be in anywise useful to you; and I am truly flattered that your1 confidence of this should have furnished me with the present opportunity.
When I was last in Virginia Mr Randolph explained to me the nature of this business, and requested me to communicate to him such information of the situation and intentions of the parties as I might be able to procure. All that I have learned amounts to this, that Owings is immensely involved, that his property is covered in various ways, that he is utterly unable to fulfill his engagements even if he were disposed to do so and that is doubtful. The lien however on the ironworks in Montgomery, renders these circumstances unimportant, and the value of that property, even at the present depreciated price of lands in this country, will be sufficient to shield you from loss as the endorser of Col. Nicholas, should the right to the proceeds of Owing’s bond be awarded to Mr Randolph as one of Col. Nicholas’ executors. I have some reasons for believing that Col. Morrison will claim no personal interest in Owing’s bond; in this however I may be mistaken.—The District Court of the U.S. sits some time next month, and that no time may be lost, I shall set out for Lexington tomorrow. Mr Clay’s health has for some months past been wretched which, together with the circumstance of his having been again elected to Congress, renders it probable that he will not resume the practice of the law, or at least that he will be prevented from engaging in new cases. Should it prove so, or should he be preengaged,2 the gentlemen indicated by Mr Leigh will constitute as able counsel as any in this state, if not the ablest. As soon as the case is commited to them and the action commenced I will let Mr Randolph know it, together with any additional information I may receive while at Lexington. Mr Green paid me $100, which shall be applied3 as you have directed.—I have been so fortunate as to be among the few who have entirely escaped the pestilence which has raged here for some months, and has deprived us of many of our citizens. I am delighted to hear that you enjoy your usual excellent health,4 and heartily pray that this first of blessings may long be yours. Be so kind as to present my affectionate salutations to every member of your family, and permit me to embrac[e] this opportunity of expressing the sentiments of profound gratitude with which I am
D C Terrell
RC (ViU: TJP-CC); edge torn; endorsed by TJ as received 17 Nov. 1822 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with FC of TJ to Joseph Milligan, 16 Aug. 1823, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esq. Monticello Virginia Via Washington City”; stamp canceled; postmarked Louisville, 25 Oct.
For TJ’s letter to Terrell of the 28th of aug., not found, see note to TJ to Henry Clay, 28 Aug. 1822. A letter from Clay to TJ of 4 Nov. 1822, the address cover only of which has been found, is recorded in SJL as received 19 Nov. 1822 from Lexington (RC in MHi; with Dft of TJ to Joshua Dodge, 3 Aug. 1823, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson Esqr Monticello Virginia Via Washn City”; franked; postmarked Lexington, Ky., 6 Nov.).
1. Manuscript: “you.”
2. Manuscript: “preengaed.”
3. Manuscript: “appied.”
4. Manuscript: “heath.”
Index Entries
- Clay, Henry; andWilson Cary Nicholas’s Administrators v. James Morrison and Thomas Deye Owings search
- Clay, Henry; as U.S. representative from Ky. search
- Clay, Henry; health of search
- Clay, Henry; letter from accounted for search
- Congress, U.S.; members of search
- Greene, Mr.; and W. C. Nicholas estate search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; endorses notes for W. C. Nicholas search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Health; good health of search
- Kentucky; epidemic in search
- Leigh, Benjamin W.; as lawyer search
- Morrison, James; and W. C. Nicholas’s estate search
- Nicholas, Wilson Cary (1761–1820); estate of search
- Owings, Thomas Deye; and W. C. Nicholas’s estate search
- public health; epidemics search
- Randolph, Thomas Jefferson (TJ’s grandson; Jane Hollins Nicholas Randolph’s husband); and W. C. Nicholas’s estate search
- Terrell, Dabney Carr (TJ’s grandnephew); andWilson Cary Nicholas’s Administrators v. James Morrison and Thomas Deye Owings search
- Terrell, Dabney Carr (TJ’s grandnephew); health of search
- Terrell, Dabney Carr (TJ’s grandnephew); letters from search
- United States District Court, Kentucky District search
- Wilson Cary Nicholas’s Administrators v. James Morrison and Thomas Deye Owings; and legal counsel for plaintiffs search