Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 7 October 1822
From Bernard Peyton
Richd 7 Octr 1822
Dear Sir,
Your dft: favor David Isaacs for $200 has been presented & paid. I have this day shipd you by Woods Thom, two Hhds stone Ware, (Kayle Pots) four Casks Cement, & 1 Box 12 x 18 window Glass, the 12 x 12 being in the River, but not up yet, & must follow by some other Boat—These articles I hope will reach you safely—
With great respect
Yours very Truly
B. Peyton
Flour $6 @ 6⅛ dull
Wheat 120¢ scarce
RC (MHi); dateline beneath signature; endorsed by TJ as received 11 Oct. 1822 and so recorded in SJL.
Index Entries
- boats; carriage to and from Richmond search
- building materials; cement search
- building materials; window glass search
- cement; sent to TJ search
- flour; price of search
- glass, window; sent to TJ search
- household articles; stoneware search
- Isaacs, David; TJ’s account with search
- kale; pots for search
- Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search
- Peyton, Bernard; letters from search
- Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
- Richmond, Va.; boat carriage to and from search
- Richmond, Va.; flour prices at search
- Richmond, Va.; wheat prices in search
- stoneware search
- Thom; delivers goods search
- wheat; price of search