Caesar A. Rodney to Thomas Jefferson, 16 September 1822
From Caesar A. Rodney
Wilmington Septr 16. 1822.
Honored Revered & Dear Sir,
The infirm state of my health, since the two severe attacks of fevers, at Washington, last winter, has rendered exercise & relaxation, necessary to its restoration; and I had, in view, for some time, the prospect of visiting Monticello, or I should have returned an earlier answer to your acceptable favor of the 28. of July last. I need not add, what heartfelt pleasure it would have given me to have seen you once more, & to have taken by the hand the distinguished friend to whom I am so largely indebted; and to whom my dearest country owes so much.
I think decidedly with you, an impenitrable silence should be observed towards the impotent calumniators of your blameless character. Your triumph is complete. A second victory over a prostrate antagonist would indeed, be humiliating.
It is probable that I shall go to B. Ayres, with the approbation of the Senate; but when I may depart is uncertain. Your great & good name & character are well known in that country, & they will daily become more familiar, as it progresses in the enjoyment of civil & religious freedom. I dislike with you Emperors & Kings. On this side of the Atlantik they cannot flourish. The climate & the soil are equally unpropitious to them. I regret extremely that Iturbide has taken a course so impolitick, & so hostile to the first principles of all legitimate governments. His friends say he will relinquish, in due time, the title & the power. It may be so; but I apprehend he will attempt to establish a new dynasty. May I be mistaken.1 Liberty will however triumph, in the end, & truth prevail.
With every sentiment of respect gratitude & affection,
C. A. Rodney
RC (NNPM); endorsed by TJ as received 29 Sept. 1822 and so recorded in SJL. RC (MHi); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to Dodge & Oxnard, 9 Dec. 1824, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson formerly President of the U. States Monticello Virginia”; franked; postmarked Wilmington, 17 Sept.
“A Native of Virginia” was the pseudonymous prostrate antagonist.
1. Omitted period at right margin editorially supplied.
Index Entries
- Argentina; U.S. minister to search
- fevers; seasonal search
- Iturbide, Agustín de (later Agustín I, emperor of Mexico) search
- Mexico; Empire of search
- Rodney, Caesar Augustus; as minister plenipotentiary to Argentina search
- Rodney, Caesar Augustus; defends TJ search
- Rodney, Caesar Augustus; health of search
- Rodney, Caesar Augustus; letters from search
- Rodney, Caesar Augustus; plans to visit TJ search
- Senate, U.S.; and appointments search
- Washington, D.C.; fever in search
- “A Native of Virginia” (pseudonym); accuses TJ of misuse of public funds search