Thomas Jefferson Papers

Samuel Overton to Thomas Jefferson, 3 September 1822

From Samuel Overton

Nashville Tenn: 3rd Sepr 1822

Dr Sir

I do with confidence write You as a Gentn, to recommond me to some person in Urope or the U S A that You have confidence in as a Vintner—I have no doubt but the Latitude of this place answers with that of France where some amongst the best of Wine is made—I have nothing more than hopeing the fiew remaining days of Your life may end in peace with Youself & God together with a good concince let me hear from You on the rect of this—   Yrs &c

Saml Overton

PS. the people here are in great distress on acct of ye exchange of paper curency &c


RC (MHi); at foot of first page: “Turn over” for postscript on verso; endorsed by TJ as received 18 Sept. 1822 and so recorded in SJL. RC (CSmH: JF-BA); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to James Johnson, 7 Dec. 1824, on verso; addressed: “Thomas Jefferson late President of the U.S.A Montacello Va”; stamp canceled; franked; postmarked Nashville, 4 Sept.

France is actually located well north of Nashville’s line of latitude.

Index Entries

  • banks; currency issued by search
  • currency; exchange of search
  • currency; paper search
  • Nashville, Tenn.; and viticulture search
  • Nashville, Tenn.; economic conditions in search
  • Overton, Samuel; and winemaking search
  • Overton, Samuel; letters from search
  • Overton, Samuel; on economic distress in Nashville search
  • wine; production of search