Bernard Peyton to Thomas Jefferson, 2 September 1822
From Bernard Peyton
Richd 2d Septr 1822
Dear Sir,
I was favor’d last evening with yours covering chk: on Farmers Bank for $1059–66 which is at your credit in ℀ as directed—
Any dfts: you may have occasion to draw will be honor’d as heretofore—
I have this morning procured the 8 Boxes Tin, 3 Bundles spike Rods, & 1 Box Glass 12/18, but could not find, at Smith’s, or any where else, 12/12 Glass, he is good enough to say he will order it immediately, from Boston.—the Tin & Rods I have directed to go by the first Waggon for Charlottesville, & the other articles by the first Boat for Milton, there are none of either here just now tho’, & suppose there will be no boat for a considerable time, as the River is uncommonly low—Waggons have been more scarce this summer than I ever knew them, I hope tho’ one will soon be found—
I shall leave here tomorrow, pass thro’ Culpepr, & hope to reach Monticello about Saturday or Sunday next, accompanied by Mrs Peyton & Judge Green, mean time, remain,
B. Peyton
RC (MHi); endorsed by TJ as received 4 Sept. 1822 and so recorded in SJL. RC (DLC); address cover only; with Dft of TJ to Joseph Anderson, 4 Dec. 1824, on verso; addressed: “Mr Jefferson Monticello Charlottesville”; franked; postmarked Richmond, 2 Sept.
Index Entries
- boats; carriage to and from Richmond search
- Boston, Mass.; glass from search
- building materials; tin search
- building materials; window glass search
- Farmers’ Bank of Virginia (Richmond); TJ’s loan from search
- glass, window; Boston search
- glass, window; sent to TJ search
- Green, John Williams; visits Monticello search
- James River; water level of search
- Jefferson, Thomas; Business & Financial Affairs; loan from Farmers’ Bank of Virginia search
- Milton, Va.; boats traveling to and from search
- Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Green, John Williams search
- Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Peyton, Bernard search
- Monticello (TJ’s Albemarle Co. estate); Visitors to; Peyton, Julia Amanda Green search
- naileries; nail-rod and iron stock search
- Peyton, Bernard; account with TJ search
- Peyton, Bernard; and goods for TJ search
- Peyton, Bernard; and nail-rod for TJ search
- Peyton, Bernard; and TJ’s loan from Farmers’ Bank of Virginia search
- Peyton, Bernard; letters from search
- Peyton, Bernard; payments made for TJ search
- Peyton, Bernard; plans to visit Monticello search
- Peyton, Julia Amanda Green (Bernard Peyton’s wife); plans to visit Monticello search
- Richmond, Va.; boat carriage to and from search
- Richmond, Va.; wagon carriage to and from search
- Smith, Andrew; and glass for TJ search
- tin; TJ buys search
- wagons; transport goods to and from Richmond search